The AFE's Weekly Raids/events

85 Blood Elf Paladin
Hello once again Sister's of Elune!

As a lot of you already know, Every week I lead pug 25 man raids and events, Usually Old content for achievements, Mounts, and Titles. To date on this server I have Assisted many people get their Ironbound Proto Drakes and Algalon Titles, It brings me great joy to run these raids and see so many happy and satisfied people. I love you all, and consider every single person on this realm a friend or potential friend. You are all welcome to come join us on our Pug for fun/achievements raids.

They happen every Weekend, Saturday and Sunday, Generally form up starts at 730 PM SERVER TIME.

We have Always run a successful and Organized raid, We get #%!! done and have a whole lotta fun with it.

Every single week I will be running various old content raids, Everything from Tier 1 to Tier 10! I was running this in cooperation and combination with <Illumination> to get them server recognition and recruits/achievements/legendaries, But some of them have decided they no longer wish to be associated with this weekly event, As such, Any who are interested in these raids are to NO Longer contact <Illumination>'s Officers about invites or information on my Events. The AFE has no endorsement or part in their goals/ventures any longer, but best of luck to them.

Send Me in-Game mail if you would like to be included in these Shenanigans, if you do this you will receive Calendar Invites to my events.

Brought to you by your server's first and foremost Trusted PuG raid and Event Leaders,

~The AFE
Edited by Aniecheres on 6/24/2011 3:47 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
We also do a full run through every week of All available Vanilla raiding content and all TBC raiding content. Look for me in trade on the weekends and throughout the week and get in on the fun!

Tonight we will be running Black Temple and Sunwell from the Burning Crusade expansion, Contact Aniecheres or Pamplemoose ingame for info.
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90 Night Elf Druid
too bad you guys dont run alliance ! Sounds like you guys are having fun!
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
We have a ton of Fun Moonjava, But my friend, If there is interest on Alliance side I absolutely will organize some dual faction events! I come from a PvP server(last 6 years) I was a major event planner and organizer over there as well, but there was a lot of world PvP events,

The last one I ran was a massive 400 horde vs around 390 Alliance in Southshore(pre Cata so it was still TM/Southshore) and then after the horde crushed the alliance we took their Stormwind and Ironforge for the remainder of that night. It was an amazing amount of fun. I'll get somethin rolling here in the next little while.

As always! Anything with an endorsement from The AFE is of ULTIMATE QUALITY and is unmatched in trust and Kindness, whether it be events or financial matters. The AFE, If you need it, We can get it.
Edited by Aniecheres on 6/24/2011 3:48 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Druid
Sounds like a lot of fun. Thinking about rolling a Tauren Pally soon.
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