[H] Recruitment - Riddle of Steel

85 Tauren Shaman
Greetings SoE! Updated 9-8-2011

-Are you looking for a more structured, progressive group of people to raid with?
-Are you a "diamond in the rough" and find yourself outperforming your peers when you pug on the server?
-Are you flustered with your inactive guild or is the "friends guild" your currently in not fulfilling your desire to see all available content in game?
-Are you interested in raiding in a 25 man team, and experiencing the more challenging side of Firelands?

If so, maybe Riddle of Steel is for you.

We are currently running two 10-man Firelands raid teams and are looking to expand our numbers in order to get back into what we truly love, 25 man content.

What are we looking for?
- DPS: You get extra credit if you are a Boomkin, elemental/enhance shaman, or warlock. But, currently, our roster is not terribly stacked in any class for DPS so all exceptional candidates will be considered.
-Tanks: currently FULL
-Healers: currently FULL

The website is www.riddleofsteelsoe.guildlaunch.com and feel free to speak with myself (Wraine or Atrophy), Daynk, Sellys or Kalico in game directly if you have any questions. If you don't see one of us online, we may be playing alts, so ask a guildie if we are about...they will direct you accordingly.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Edited by Wraine on 9/8/2011 9:28 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Riddle mature?


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85 Night Elf Mage
Highly recommended group of people! Riddle rocks!!

You won't go wrong by joining, so hit them up today!!
Edited by Kalisen on 6/13/2011 8:41 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Recount says I won.

:3 We have a blast in our raids and enjoy getting things done while having fun too! Come check us out! If you're a healer who is thinking of perhaps applying, please DO feel free to contact Sellys or myself as well if Daynk or Wraine aren't on. We lead our healer camp and are more than happy to chat away.
Edited by Lavielle on 6/13/2011 9:11 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Also, We have Churros. Just, you know, putting that put there. Though Lavi's not allowed any.
Edited by Nocxia on 6/13/2011 10:18 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
You have Churros?! I want some! I'm afraid I'm roughly 7k achievement points and 20ish ilevel score points below you all, plus I can't for the life of me grasp healing. I like melting brains. :P

edit: I look inferior in my avatar compared to you two above me. /flop
Edited by Astelis on 6/14/2011 12:28 AM PDT
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85 Tauren Shaman
Kal! How is the alliance treating you? I hope all things are well. :-)

Also, I suggest visiting the website if you're looking for information about the guild, the people in it, or further raid information. You can find it all there.
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85 Night Elf Mage
Heya Wraine! :) Alliance sucks! but oh well...I am and always will be Horde at heart.

It's fun though, slowly working our way through the raids, I don't even play Kalisen anymore. I've turned into a healer and love it. Shammy heals are awesome.

Miss talking with you all and glad to see that Riddle has proven that Sisters of Elune has the best people around. Poke Dema for me and I'll stop de-railing your thread.
Edited by Kalisen on 6/14/2011 3:13 PM PDT
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Hello everyone! Btw new apps, I am the reason we're full on hunters :) feel free to bash me in game! besides, i provide enough awesome for 2 raids >.<
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85 Orc Warrior
I'll hold my thoughts on that Gab. Shocking, I know.

We are indeed looking for some fresh meat. After our little break, I've already cleared all the old bits outta my teeth. Come on and join as we tackle Firelands, it may take some juggling here and there, but we'll clear it. We always manage to topple the content we aim for.
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Awe.. come on now D! You know I'm awesome or I'd be riding pine as wraine calls it lol Admit it, Ive grown on you guys!
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85 Orc Warrior
Another bump.

With the patch fast approaching, we're still hoping that a few folks will step up and grab the raidspots we have available for Firelands. We've got no plans to ease in, it becomes priority 1 week of release.

Need a change of pace, or wanna try some end-game raids? You can do a lot worse that Riddle!
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Everyone doing ok today? :)

Firelands is most likely a mere week away! lets get rollin!
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85 Blood Elf Priest
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85 Tauren Shaman
RoS is still looking for a few good raiders!

Le /bump.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
/sniff /sniff

zgibble is watching you!
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85 Tauren Hunter
What chu got against hunters? A raid can never have enough huntards.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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