PSA: How any DPS can make the tank happy

100 Undead Mage
So the tank is mad because you accidentally pulled aggro? Well, with such epic dps, it's not hard to believe. However, if there's a small chance that you pulled because you *accidentally* hit the wrong target, we've got your answer right here.

Macros. Set your tank as your focus by selecting them and typing /focus.

Then, use this macro:

/cast [Target=focustarget] spellname

Not only will this make sure you're hitting the right mob, but it means that you will never again have to worry about tab-targeting tanks!

Any and all dps should try macros like this to minimize tank and healer strain and ensure a great and easy group run.

Thanks, SOE!
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I know one dps that makes my life as a tank easier: Keyla the hunter in my guild who can get over 20k dps in raid situations as I recall. I sometimes wonder what is going wrong in dungeons when Keyla isn't there and I'm on a boss or even trash pull. "Why the heck isn't this thing dead yet? Oh... Keyla's not here."

I -rarely- use the dungeon call to arms feature as a tank, simply because I'm more likely to lose more gold than I would make from the bag of goodies, due to [insert insulting title] dps who don't know how to play, although it's been healers just as often that cause the grief.

"Well maybe you're just a bad tank then, Aera." Not likely. My reasoning comes from a number of situations, but most recently and memorably would be H:VortexPinnacle on the final Djinn boss. I must've spent over an hour on that fight alone -trying- to teach dps how to jump at the height of the static cling cast or getting healers to cleanse the static debuff (of which never affected me because I'm part Tigger and bouncin's what Tiggers do best) but with so much AoE sparkles and chainlightnings, it's just not possible to solo... yet. I think I went through 5 different healers who either left of their own choice or were kicked by the group after 4 wipes each where they failed to do their job, and probably half a dozen dps who left the group after a couple wipes, even though they may have joined right at that boss.

People tell me that they think tanking is hard. (I disagree) Either they tried it and couldn't do it, so they went back to dps or heals, or they just don't like the playstyle. Well ok then, if you're gonna be a dps or a healer, you better learn how to do that with reasonable competancy.

So yeah... DPS: try to make your group's life easier by being watchful. Healers: you are vastly underappreciated, but I certainly give thanks to those that have made my life easier.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Targetting a tank's target is typically a bad idea. Most of the time we're tabbing through beating the crap outta everything once we have a comfortable threat lead on the main target. Just follow the marks and you'll be fine.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
06/23/2011 03:14 PMPosted by Sellys
Targetting a tank's target is typically a bad idea. Most of the time we're tabbing through beating the crap outta everything once we have a comfortable threat lead on the main target. Just follow the marks and you'll be fine.

^ 9/10, this.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
06/23/2011 03:14 PMPosted by Sellys
Targetting a tank's target is typically a bad idea. Most of the time we're tabbing through beating the crap outta everything once we have a comfortable threat lead on the main target. Just follow the marks and you'll be fine.


What is this we?

Get back to healing Sellys |:<

Also, in true tanking forum fashion.... /drink!
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85 Gnome Mage
Now if someone would just tell my PUG tanks to remember to mark. Usually the other two DPS (and sometimes the healer) want to yell and make the person go faster.

Can't win for losing XD
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85 Undead Rogue
Sellys is bearly a tank.


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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Sellys is bearly a tank.



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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Bear is for fite.
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