Hows this Server

80 Undead Priest
Im thinking of joining a Guild here and ill like to know how it goes here. Just a Few questions.

Hows the General Attuided of people here?

Any Hated or Loved Guilds here? (This question is for me to find out if im going to app to one of these without giving the guilds name out. I once joined a Hated guild without knowing and that wasnt fun)

Never been on a RP Server, But was told its pretty hard to find RP players its more of just a normal Server. Are they Lying to me?

The Econmy how is it?

And General Skill of the players here?
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I've been on this server for a few months now, and I have to say, As far as community and the quality of the people's personalities, This server is pretty great for the most part. I got in with <Illumination>(we're also recruiting skilled and dedicated players!) Absolutely fantastic group of people and I love them all(except 1 or 2)

As far as general skill goes, For PvE, it's not at a very high level from my experience. A very large step down from even a server like my old home, Lethon. But they are trying and improving. I run weekly pug raids to help get the server active and more practiced with raiding/better at it. and there has been a huge improvement for the most part over the last 2 months that Ive been a major server event coordinator.

As far as PvP I havent experienced enough of it here really to make a solid judgement, but alliance seem to be a little worse off than Horde, I was able to waltz into Stormwind and kill flagged people and the majority of folks just stood there, jaws on the floor, wondering what the hell was going on with this flurry of yellow light and abilities streaking through their city killing anything possible.

RP is everywhere if you're looking in the right spots, but for the most part people talk normally in general chat channels like trade or what have you.
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85 Troll Shaman
Because this is a smaller server, the community is great (like stated above). Much better than your typical wow playerbase. Unfortunately you lose raid progression and there aren't many skilled PvPers on the server. You'll have people that claim to be the best and can barely hit 2k (there are some good players on this server though)

I haven't RPed in years, but I heard it's there if you look for it. More prominent on the Alliance side. My best suggestion is to reroll an alt here and play around a bit before you transfer
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85 Gnome Mage
06/22/2011 04:47 PMPosted by Tshaka
My best suggestion is to reroll an alt here and play around a bit before you transfer


Everyone's mileage is going to vary. Someone may find the laidback and casual atmosphere of Sisters is great, while others might think it's not-so-great.

Tshaka pretty much covered what I was going to say. I just want to add that we have quite a few "hardcore" raiders here who burned out and stopped by SoE before quitting, so folks here aren't entirely ignorant about raiding (which apparently is a misconception about RP servers). Horde has it better PvP-wise, and it's not because Alliance is PvP-dumb or bewildered by Horde who come into Stormwind for easy kills ... Team Blue has just never cared that much about it.

As we're a lighter pop server, roleplayers aren't going to be as publicly visible as they are on, say, WrA or MG (where I'd argue quantity =/= quality). But they are here. When I say we're laidback and casual, I mean it ... it's a pretty common thing to have roleplayers mixed in with raiding guilds, because a lot of us enjoy doing both.

Best of luck!

p.s. I don't think your guild question was ever really answered. To be honest, I can't think of any one particular guild that You Must Avoid, nor one that You Must Sign Up With Nao! It's pretty subjective. I mean, there's really only one guild I know of that both sides find pretty darn annoying, but I'm sure their members think they're greatest thing since sliced bread.

And yes, I'm not capable of making a post that isn't tl;dr.
Edited by Nozz on 6/22/2011 5:33 PM PDT
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85 Human Rogue
sorry, if i disagre with the people above ,but atleast what i've been exposed to the server is all hate. It is pretty much everyone on there own. sorry just telling it how i see it.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Perhaps that's just you Archileuis, or you're encountering all the wrong people, Ive only encountered one person here on Horde side that hates everything, Fellow named Nekro, He fancies himself a troll, and remarkably he is successful usually with low quality trolling which always surprises me, But I love the little guy, He sticks to his guns, he doesnt let it die, and he never gives up. funny guy. But really I have met a few people who are of questionable skill and moral character, but for the most part everyone has been fantastic. I have only had to remove 2 people out of all the 25 man pug raids I have run in the last 2 and a half months, which is around 3-4 different raids a week.
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85 Human Rogue
Might just be me then.
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90 Human Priest
For RP you need to dig kinda deep. But there’s plenty around. Just not as open and prevalent as you may think for an RP realm. Oddly enough, some folks grief the RP players.

Raid progression is slow here, with only a handful of groups clearing *most* of the content by the end of an expansion and none clearing all content before new content is released. Currently there are only a handful of Heroic bosses down on this realm, as we head into the new Firelands content.

PvP isn’t hardcore here either. Again, only a few groups achieving anything of note. Neither PvP nor Raid progression on this realm are world-class competitive.

For the most part though, we have some great players here and there, and plenty of really nice folks to play with on this realm. It’s a nice suburban community, akin to living in a small town where everyone knows your business.

The economy is a bit inflated, especially on Alliance side, but it’s not too crazy-out-of-hand. There are plenty of smaller guilds to join, with lots of nice folks. There are a handful of larger guilds, again, filled with nice folks.

I mean you get your occasional bad egg that can’t fathom that this really is a game, and that hate should be checked at the door. And you get your epeen spewing narcissists that need to put others down in order to feel superior… but I think you’ll have that on any realm in this game.

Overall the play experience here is pretty good… that is, as long as you don’t need cutting edge raid progression or PvP accomplishment. If you enjoy happy players going about their game and enjoying the content, you can find a good guild to play in, and enjoy the small-town atmosphere.
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90 Human Rogue
06/24/2011 07:39 AMPosted by Penelopae
Neither PvP nor Raid progression on this realm are world-class competitive.

Fact is, neither are very competitive on any level. This is what mostly earns the server a bad rap though the majority of RP servers which retain, or at least attempt to retain, their RP foundation are not noted for raiding or PvP. Isn't necessarily a bad thing. Someone on Cho'gall once said to me, "SOE and its ilk are where good players go to die and bad players go to make a name for themselves." True? No, I don't think so, but there is an element of truth to it if you're looking at things from a hardcore perspective. Or you're German.

Now, is SOE a nice server? I contend that it is no better or worse than any other NA server. As in life outside of WoW, one has to pick and choose both their friends and battles wisely.
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There's not much in the way of raiding, one guild maybe on either side.

Aside from a single Horde guild, which I won't mention, most people are friendly.

There's nothing in the way of competitive PVP, maybee a handful of 2k+ players.

The economy is pretty good if you want to make money, I've been on other servers where
there were so many people that everything was basically vendor price.

No clue about the RP part, I'm only here because I have a couple friends here and I've never RPd before.

Pretty much, if you're looking for a relaxed server, this is it. If you're looking for hardcore progression, this isn't it.
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90 Human Priest
Yus, of course gnome punting is illegal, and outdated.

All the cool kids now just simply dual-wield gnome rogues. They fit like gloves and it makes'em really fiesty.
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
All the cool kids now just simply dual-wield gnome rogues. They fit like gloves and it makes 'em really fiesty.

So, that's what's under my fingernails. YECH!
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