The Luna Accord Tournament (Open Competition)

(( Luna Accord is hosting it's first ever open event! I'd like it to be open to both Alliance and Horde, however if Horde is to participate I'd need a representative to communicate with me. If you would like to volunteer for that, simply send in-game mail to Gnaea, or just state in a reply, thanks!

Additionally, we're trying to make this event as in-character as possible. Roleplay is encouraged!

We're starting out somewhat minimal with this event. If it's a hit, and we have decent participation, we'd love to organize two-on-two tourneys, five-on-five tourneys, or even tournaments with unique objectives. ))

The Luna Accord Tournament
To promote camaraderie, friendly competition, and to provide an opportunity to bring notariety to yourself, your peers, and your guild, Luna Accord is hosting a dueling tournament at the Gurubashi Arena in Southern Stranglethorn on Friday, July 1st at 7 PM ((server time)). This will be a classic one-on-one style tournament.

If you'd like to attend, reply to this thread with the following information: The name of the character attending, the level of said character, and the guild that the character represents.

Registration closes at midnight on Tuesday, June 28. The brackets and layout for the tournament will be posted the following day. Brackets will largely be based on those who intend to participate. If we have enough participation with competitors under 85, then we can make brackets accordingly. Otherwise there will just be one bracket for competitors that are 85.

If you wish to spectate, feel free to join us in the bleachers at the arena!

1st Place - 1,000 gold and ultimate bragging rights
2nd Place - 500 gold and some bragging rights
3rd Place - A few servings of Darkmoon Special Reserve and benign bragging rights

If there is enough participation for multiple brackets, then awards will be posted accordingly.

We look forward to the competition, represent yourself and your guild well!
Edited by Gnaea on 6/21/2011 7:32 PM PDT
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Registration example:

Gnaea, of the guild Luna Accord. Level 85.
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71 Human Death Knight
Saphh, of the guild Luna Accord, level 59
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54 Night Elf Druid
Roderion, of the guild Luna Accord. level 50
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Any interest outside of the Luna Accord guild?
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85 Gnome Mage

I posted a link to this thread on my guild site, since we have some who say that they’re interested in PvP. They may be too shy for a tournament, though, but we’ll see. It looks like a good event and I hope you get some more participants!
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I like the idea, though "roleplaying" in a -to the death- fighting colloseum might not be to the standards of a character's realistic existence. Unless you're going to ignore the fact that when you die in the ring in front of a crowd of people because it -wasn't- to the death, just more of an unconscious blow type thing, might be reasonable. Otherwise it's "Aww dang... that draenei just killed my best friend." 30 seconds later - Rez. "Oh hey, he's alive again..."

And I know we face that everyday with dungeon wipes and random pvp; entering the spirit realm only to be guided back because it's not your time to go. When -will- it be your character's time to go? I personally respect players who have a well developed story and carry out their character's death in-game, actually deleting them. (Although some cheat and just stop roleplaying the toon anymore, but keep them active to do dungeons and quests. I guess a 10$ namechange would be an easy solution to not deleting a character.)

But enough of my rambling. I do support this type of thing. I've tried setting up an Argent Tournament jousting event before, but only had 6 people come. The reason I prefer jousting over class-dueling is that it's fair: lance and mount against lance and mount. None of this, "Oh [insert class] are overpowered." or "Wait, I forgot to use my cooldowns." I'll definately head down to watch the duels if I'm free. Maybe I'll even challenge the final winner to a duel and offer my own coin. Unless it's a mage, then I'll fake a D/C before the match starts.
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Thank you, I really appreciate the support!

06/23/2011 07:49 AMPosted by Aeralynn
I like the idea, though "roleplaying" in a -to the death- fighting colloseum might not be to the standards of a character's realistic existence.

I concur, and I definitely think it's something that can be addressed. For instance, I can understand how taking a knee and accepting defeat has more appeal than a full-fledged deathmatch. One of my ulterior motives in organizing this event was more-or-less to test the waters here and see if we can do something more with roleplay than your average storytelling event or inn visit. I can only lay out the scenario, but how it actually plays out is completely up to the participants. =)

I really do appreciate the input, and I'll keep these things in mind next time I schedule an open event.
Edited by Gnaea on 6/23/2011 8:08 AM PDT
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
06/23/2011 07:49 AMPosted by Aeralynn
it -wasn't- to the death, just more of an unconscious blow type thing

06/23/2011 04:48 PMPosted by Aeviercy
Perhaps the "To the death" is simply no more than losing consciousness?

Aeviercy is kinda like a person who wants to invent electricity while using a desk-lamp to go over possible ideas of how to do so.
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We're still trying to get this event going, anyone interested?
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71 Human Warrior
Ðavid, of the guild Luna Accord. Level 62
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90 Night Elf Druid
Moonjava of the the Council of Shadows Level 56
Edited by Moonjava on 7/1/2011 8:59 AM PDT
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Alright, the tourney is on! If there are any walk-ins, we'll try to accommodate but that'll all depend on who shows up. See you there!
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