New SoE RP community website

All right SoE Roleplayers, due to the fact Flitzy and Daphne will no longer be keeping the site, Talibah and myself have picked up the torch sort of speak and have founded as the new SoE RP Community forums. There are still some things that need work and we are still adding things but feel free to move posts and register to the new site!

Happy Roleplaying Brothers and Sisters of SoE!
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100 Blood Elf Priest

This is the new site as Daphne and Flitzy are no longer upkeeping the old one! Please if you RP register so we can help get the RP ball rolling. Already there are some new things popping up thanks to guilds like Order of Absolution on Horde!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
We have the calendar up now so if I am missing events please let me know!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Was just looking at the site, and have to say it's pretty!
Edited by Telarian on 8/21/2011 11:51 AM PDT
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A big thank you to all RPers from Alliance and Horde side who have contributed to the forum. It is growing and more RP is in the works for our server. Keep up the good work and remember to take pride in being a RPer on SoE!
Edited by Tãmz on 9/23/2011 2:23 AM PDT
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