ZEN - Recruiting

90 Human Priest
Welcome to <Zen>

Welcome to Sisters of Elune, a low-medium population Role Play realm.

Zen is the most active guild on the realm, as evident by our Realm First, Level 25 Guild Achievement. Above all else, we value fair-play and good sportsmanship. The key to our continued success can be attributed to the fine members of our guild. Come see how structure and organization can greatly increase the value of your game play enjoyment.

Zen members enjoy a wide variety of in-game interests, providing great opportunity to pursue your own favorite aspects of the game, or to explore new ones.

Our membership consists of over 600 members, representing about 250 very active players. Beyond just the Level 25 Guild Perks, we have also earned virtually all of the Guild Rewards. We have completed over 75% of the Guild Achievements currently available in the game.

Most of our membership growth is organic, a player joins, and soon they bring their spouse, sibling, parent, or best friend along with them. We enjoy a high level of “stickiness”, meaning that players join our guild and then Stay in our guild. The best players that we have ever seen are still in this guild.

We provide Ventrilo services with space enough for 100 players for our members. Active Raiders enjoy free enchanting and other enhancements to their raid gear, and we strive to help with all aspects of getting you tuned-up and ready to raid. PvP Players also receive benefits, we strive to keep them tuned-up and ready as well.

Primary roles as a Guild Member are as follows:

Raider: We currently raid at 8 PM realm-time. Invitations to Raid Events are provided on the Calendar. We generally run 2-3 groups of 10 Player raids. One group is designated a “Training” group wherein veteran players will assist in teaching the raid encounter mechanics and strategies, along with other raid-related topics. All levels of experience are welcome and encouraged to participate.

PvP: We actively sponsor PvP Events in Rated Battlegrounds, Random Battlegrounds, Arena 2’s, 3’s, and 5’s, and also War Games. We have a very active PvP presence on this realm, arguably the most active of any single guild currently.

Citizen: Non-Raider, Non-PvP players, Role Play members, crafter and gatherer Alts, and other active members make up our Citizen rank. These are good, upstanding citizens of the guild, and our Alts.

Guild Council and Raid Leaders: These are the officers of our guild. They help to create policy, and to enforce it. They lead our raids, award EP/GP during our events, and look after the guild resources. Our Council and Raid Leaders are very approachable, as is the Guild Leader. Please always feel welcome to seek them out concerning guild issues, questions, or for friendly advice.

What can I do for the Guild?

Be an active member. Attend our events, and contribute to the success of our projects.

How do I join Zen?

Simply submit an application online at our homesite: ZEN.guildlaunch.com

That’s it. Apply, and when it is done, contact Penelopae in-game for an invitation.

Thank You and Have a Nice Day,
- Penelopae, Leader of Zen
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90 Human Priest
Are you Best-in-Slot?

The following slots are currently available on the Zen Teams:

Core Raiding Team(s) – The core raiding team(s) are in great shape right now, but we would consider additions of top-notch Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Elemental Shaman, and Mage.

Raiding Teams – Everyone starts somewhere, and at Zen we believe everyone deserves a fair chance at raiding and earning a slot on our teams. No matter what your experience, gear level, or class, we welcome players that are interested in raid content to join.

PvP – Our Rated Battleground Teams and Arena Teams are always seeking great players to fill our slots. If your gear is not up to par for these events, no worries, come along and chain-spam some Random Battlegrounds with our players and you’ll soon be where you need to be. Come get ruthless with us and help slaughter those stinky Hordes.

Zen, Rockin’ the Realm for All the Right Reasons!
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85 Human Rogue
Our rated Bgs atm are doing really well, proven by mine and a few others rating in it(i almost want to say i have the higest Rbgs 1549 correct me if someone is higher plz)If you want to join in just join the guild cuz we have about one more week till kaz and me set up the real group that will be reaching high ratings.
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90 Human Priest
^ To clarify what Archileuis is saying there…

We are currently doing tryouts for top-notch slots in our main Rated Battleground Team(s).

The players with the best combination of gear and skill will be retained for the Primary Team. That team to be supported by guild resources and supplemented by a team of first-string alternatives.

This first-string support team will also run as a viable group of its own, also enjoying the benefits of guild resources. All else will be placed into teams that are still working on gear, and to support our Rated Battlegrounds project as a whole.

While I cannot promise a slot for everyone, every time, we do strive to get as many players involved and onto a team as we possibly can. In the meantime, we encourage players to rack up Conquest points in Arena matches and to run Random Battlegrounds for Honor points with our groups.

This structure is similar in practice to our Raid Team structure. A core group works towards progression while other groups are for training, gear farming, and practice. Under-geared or new players are encouraged to run Dungeon Heroics with our groups to help build up gear and Valor points.

Many times, and this Rated Battleground project should fit this same pattern, we have enough great players to form up two “A” teams. This is a very active guild and we have no trouble filling our raids and PvP events from within the guild. Where YOU fit into that picture is entirely up to YOU.

If you show initiative, and work hard to be the best player you can be, we will support you in any way we can. Again, this truly is a very active guild, the most active guild on this entire realm.

Come join our teams of Raid and PvP enthusiasts and see for yourself how structure and organization can vastly improve your gameplay experience.

Thank you,
- Penelopae, Leader of Zen
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90 Human Priest
Zen’s Current Schedule of Events

We utilize the in-game Calendar feature in order to plan and organize our events.

Members are encouraged to check their calendar frequently in order to make sure they are aware of upcoming events and so that they may plan on attending.

Our Current Schedule looks like this:

  • Tuesday: 6 PM Rated Battlegrounds – 8 PM Raid

  • Wednesday: 6 PM Rated Battlegrounds – 8 PM Raid

  • Thursday: 6 PM Rated Battlegrounds – 8 PM Raid

  • Friday: 6 PM Rated Battlegrounds – 8 PM Raid

  • Saturday: Raid 8 PM

  • Sunday: Rated Battlegrounds 5 PM

  • Monday: 6 PM Rated Battlegrounds – 8 PM Raid

PvP Rated Battlegrounds are every weeknight at 6 PM realm-time. These events end shortly before 8 PM so as not to interfere with PvE Raid form-up.

Supplemental weekend Rated Battleground events occur on Sunday evening at 5 PM for those that are not conquest-capped for the week. This session runs on into the night, as there are no PvE Raids scheduled on Sundays.

8 O’Clock is Raid O’Clock. PvE Raids are every night of the week except Sunday, with invitations beginning at 7:45 PM realm-time. Most players cannot attend six nights per week; this schedule is expanded to six nights so that no matter what nights a member may be available, we have an event for them to participate in.

Around these scheduled events, members are encouraged to form up in guild-groups to run Dungeon Heroics, Random Battlegrounds, and Arenas, in order to gain Valor, Honor, and Conquest Points. Daytime is a great time to do this, and also late at night. After our Raids are concluded for the evening, it is quite common to see groups forming up for all of these types of activity.

Thank you,
- Penelopae, Leader of Zen
Edited by Penelopae on 7/11/2011 1:52 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest

Progression Raid Team(s) will be forming up at 7 PM rather than at 8 PM for the duration of the summer season. Invitations from the Calendar begin at 6:45 PM Realm-Time for these 7 O’Clock events.

All other raid events will continue formation at 8 PM as usual (Invitations from the Calendar begin at 7:45 PM Realm-Time).

Thank you,
- Penelopae, Leader of Zen
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88 Blood Elf Paladin
i used to be in zen with my girlfriend just b4 u guys got 25 it was a great guild then i had to take a few months off but i would like to thank you pene for my short time in your guild for the great pp you have in thier
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90 Human Paladin
Pene isnt on much anymore but im sure he's glad you had a positive experience while in the guild.
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90 Human Paladin
Just a heads up, the pvping in Zen has died down recently. But we still have quite a few people that like to smash you hordies.
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85 Night Elf Druid
We are still very much alive and active tho! If you love raiding, new content, and a great player atmosphere, We look forward to bringing new members into the fold!
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90 Human Paladin
Hey guess what, I'm bumping this thread cause Zen is once again looking for Raiders and Pvpers to join its ranks.

Currently looking for Tanks, Healers, and ranged Dps of all classes to help fill up out 10 and 25 man raids. Addons Zen uses are as followed: Epgp Lootmaster, Epgp Dkp Reloaded, Dbm.

8 o clock is raid o clock. 8pm server has been Zens raiding time for a while and it will not change for any 1 person. 7:45pm is when raid invites go out and 8pm is when Epgp Show up is awarded.

Attendance - Performance - Attendance is still a way of Zen. Show up to our raids, know how to play and gear your raiding toon and also, if you would like, be willing to show and help other people to better them self. And continue to show up to raids to show me and our officers that you want to raid, even if not given a raid slot, continually showing up to raid shows your determination to raid.

Raid slots aren't expected, there earned.
If interested, contact me or any Zen officer in game.
Edited by Biggestbear on 2/17/2012 6:54 PM PST
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18 Night Elf Hunter
How's your Heroic progression looking?
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90 Human Paladin
Were currently 1/8 heroic with Morchok down, currently working on Hagara.
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H Hagara is a pain :/..Yor'sahj is pretty easy, I would definitely call it the 2nd easiest, you should go for it! You'd prob beat it a bit easier and quicker than Hagara.

-AND- grats on leadership of Zen bear, hope all is well.
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90 Night Elf Death Knight
Hi, guild-who-holds-a-grudge-against-me! How do you fare in icecrown while facing the blood princes?
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85 Human Rogue
They fared fine, which one can see with their dragon mounts that you get from completing a bunch of achives ( The blood prince have an achive in there also). So dark don't try to troll zen again, espically on their recuitment fourm, or ill fight fire with fire.
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