Server first Firelands challenge tames

85 Tauren Hunter
Anthriss (Yellow Spider) - Zazzrik tamed first thing... abandoned shortly after.

Solix (Orange Spider) - Cailan 85 Draenei

Skitterflame (Red Spider) - ??? (None claimed.)

Deth'tilac (Purple Spider) - Henrry 85 Tauren

Kirix (Green spider) - Pridehoof 85 Tauren

Skarr (Magma cat) - Pridehoof 85 Tauren

Karkin (Magma crab) Selphius 85 Blood Elf

Anhka (Spirit Cat) - Zazzrik 85 Goblin

Magria (Spirit Cat) - ???

Ban'thalos (Spirit Owl) - Cailan 85 Draenei
Edited by Pridehoof on 6/29/2011 9:06 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Mage
Magria was tamed by Tigeris 85 Blood Elf ... Pretty sure she might have been the first.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Nope, I saw a hunter with Magria running around before she got hers.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
I don't know if I was first but I tamed Magria June 29 at 3:20pm. The only reason I know the time stamp is I txted my husband when I got it. I mean I hope I was server first it would be cool. :D
Edited by Tigeris on 7/1/2011 3:04 PM PDT
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