We will be starting up a rbg group will be looking to go high rated so we need anyone thats interested just pst in game exp gear etc etc cheers
Rated BGs
totally interested and I will heal or boom it up
have 5 so far rophy skooby wat and aiona
need a pvp tank pref blood dk and another healer
need a pvp tank pref blood dk and another healer
yes please do join we need a spriest that gems strength with 400 spell pen and a 2/0/39 spec you will carry us to 100 rating woot
Edited by Høtsauce on 7/4/2011 6:19 PM PDT
hmm , Pene ...umm .. ya you need help man lol , lots of Dillusion. Anywayz , ill help on my warrior or rogue if needed.
on dis guy... or
i wannaz goez 16thz
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