Rated BGs

90 Troll Druid
I could heal this as well, if you guys have room and have it scheduled. Resto druid who knows how to CC and annoy people ^^
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100 Orc Warrior
07/20/2011 08:16 AMPosted by Archileuis
should i say "I" i thought "me" was correct?

If it was meant to be its own sentence, you use "I". However, it does appear that you were attempting it as part of a bigger sentence that started "I can just see it now.." so the use of "me" is appropriate. However, pronouns, specifically first person pronouns, come after the rest. So it should have been "I can just see it now; [name]. [name], ... [name], and me."

Even more so, either an excellent troll, or excellent irony, as you post concern about pronoun usage amongst so many other grammatical errors.

Either way, I lulzed.
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85 Human Rogue
well i try my best sooo ya =p
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