Svern Haurach Midsummer Event!

85 Worgen Hunter
The newly created guild, Svern Haurach, would like to invite you to an end-of-Midsummer celebration.

We will begin the festivities with the fireworks display in Darnassus at 9:00pm Server Time on Monday, July 4th.

After the fireworks we will move east to Winterspring where the remainder of the party will take place at Starfall Village. Please feel free to bring drinks, fireworks, and flashy AoE spells. :)

Svern Haurach (meaning Above Fate) is an Alliance guild, and this invitation is open primarily to members of the Alliance. However, should Horde members choose to come, they do so at their own risk. They will be welcomed, provided they don't attempt to cause mischief.

We hope to see many of you there.
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85 Human Hunter
Join us for some great fun :)
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