I love pvp to me it is second only to raiding in what makes wow fun. Some people believe that world pvp is unfair I will not argue against those that believe this however, it is also your choice to participate in it or not. When you misclick and flag yourself, you are a target. Whenever you go into a BG and come out of that BG, you are a target. No matter where you are at when you flag yourself in an enemy city, returning from a BG, Doing dailies and misclicking, or flagging yourself you become a target to world pvper's ambushes, lowbie killing, killing someone when there flagged and have low health, even getting ganked in your own capitol city, are perfectly acceptable. You can always wait 5 min to res and not be pvp flagged or not flag yourself at all if you are afraid of being killed by a pvper or being camped by one. There is no honor in pvp unless it is a duel. If you are flagged, your toon is in a fight for its life same as the other toon is do what you have to live or get yourself un pvp flagged. That will solve many of the people's problems I have read complaining about the little world pvp there is on this server. There are two simple rules to not get yourself pvp flagged. First, be cautious and aware of your surroundings. Second, do not go into situations that will cause you to become flagged. Because if you are not flagged a pvper cannot gank you and to my fellow pvpers may you always find yourself in target rich environments.
Advice to non pvper's how to avoid world pvp
what about those who are on pvp servers where you are always flagged no matter what how is it fair to them if they don't pvp
I salute your attempt at trying to help people understand what world PvP is maleia, it is a great thread. Although I don't know how effective it will be, I've have been a fairly active PvPer on this realm for about 5 years (recently quitting) and I have never gotten more then a hand full of people to understand what you have stated, but I will still wish you the best of luck! Kick some butt for me!
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