[H] Recruitment - Shadows End

85 Blood Elf Paladin
Greetings! <Shadows End> is primarily a leveling/social guild, and we are currently recruiting all levels/classes/specs. We are looking for achievement @%!@@s, alt-o-holics, and rep grinders. If you are looking to get more game from your game, then look no further!

We are also currently looking for a Raid Leader so that we can begin getting into newer raid content. We're looking for someone with (preferably) raid leading experience, the desire to lead once again, and the patience to not only learn the fights, but also to teach your raid how each fight works.

Either find us in game, or visit shadowsendguild.guildlaunch.com to get to know us or apply!
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88 Orc Shaman
Hi, sounds interesting. I will have to check out the web site.

Low pressure, low drama sounds good to me.

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