(A) The Society; New RP guild is formed

50 Worgen Rogue
I've heard theves guilds have failed for numerous reasons, and hopefully the Society will change that perception. Currently we're brand new, and taking anyone who'd be willing to fill out applications on guildportal.com; http://thesocietyofthieves.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=421518&TabID=3585767

There are a set of rules and conduct that will be upheld at all times, so that way things don't get out of hand and members don't intentionally harass people. You folks know what I mean when you have someone attempting to pickpocket someone in broad daylight, and is trying to god-mod the whole thing. Like I said, the rules are in place to keep members in check, and to hopefully set a standard for thieving guilds. I will be attempting to have a open market style event also, which will represent the "Legitimate side" of The Society.

If your interested, feel free to drop a line, in game to either Gephel, Kirkpatrick, or Gylenn on the Alliance side, or to Dunbary on the Hordeside. I do ask that you fill out the application, so I can get to know you a bit before we meet. If the rules seem a tad harsh, bear in mind that Rp'ers have had bad experiences with thief guilds before, and I'm working not only to help rebuild the Rp community on Sisters of Elune, but as noted; to set a standard for a quality thieves guild that doesn't drive the server crazy.

Hoping to see some new members.

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90 Human Priest
So… you’re saying that there *is* honor among thieves?

This sounds interesting, and it appears that you have put some amount of thought into the project.

It certainly would be refreshing to see more RP out in the open on this realm. Even if it does involve a little petty pilfering and picking of pockets, I suppose.

Best of luck with the new guild Kirkpatrick.
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50 Worgen Rogue
Well, the idea of the rules in place is to prevent members from becoming a major nuisance. Last thing we all need is some random rogue running around putting hands in everyones' pockets, trying to steal stuff. Personally, I found that totally annoying. Yeah there are some strict rules in place, but I will admit, I'm trying to set a benchmark for decent thieves' guilds, so to that extent, if guilds who Rp wish to set up guidelines, and try us out (When we get enough people), we can sit and hammer out the details. It really boils down to trying to bring more RP back to the Sisters of Elune, and more to the point, quality RP.

Anyone else agree we need to see quality RP back, and be a good beacon for the good Rp'ers, ya know? Give them a good place, free from Moon Guard's rampant idiocy?
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84 Human Priest
Massive bump for a good effort to promote community! You have my admiration, Mr. Kirkpatrick.
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