Is there still Horde side RP on this server?

30 Orc Hunter
I stopped in tonight, on a Friday, and found nothing in Orgrimmar nor Silvermoon. Where have the Horde gone to socialize?
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Might have been a slow day. Sorry I missed you in Silvermoon. Rp is still here, and I'm shocked you found Silvermoon empty. Tel can be seen quite often roaming the streets, and many otehrs more often. Role play is still on Horde side, anyone can back me up on that fact.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Raiding, heroics, etc. Like I stated in another thread, a lot of people are still experiencing new Cataclysm content, as there is a TON of it. And, once more, I suggest getting in touch with an RP guild, as most RP is clique-focused or no longer in the cities like it used to be. Cataclysm has paved the way for more opportunities to do world/adventure RP, which honestly, tends to be higher-quality anyway and make more logical sense.

You can always contact anyone from <Order of Absolution> and they can happily point you in the direction of some RP. :)
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90 Blood Elf Priest
For RP events, The Broken House hosts a weekly Storytelling event that happens every Sunday at 7pm server time in Thunder Bluff at the bonfire in front of Baine. Feel free to stop by and check it out. While Broken House hosts the event everyone is welcome. :)
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