New RP server

2 Gnome Mage


I am looking for an RP server that has RP actively happening. My rp experience isn't extensive but I have rp'd and I'm not a complete newb to it. I am enthusiastic and an active player. I'm not worried much with raiding and stuff anymore. I just want to enjoy the lore of the game and the individual lore of the players characters. Generally in RP I take on a supportive role rather than being the main focus and I rather like it that way. In any case as you see I have made a little gnome while I check out this server but I'm not seeing much going on. I realize though that it is day time so my purpose in posting this is to ask if the rp is active in the evenings on this server?

If so I very much look forward to making friends here!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and hopefully reply.
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85 Gnome Warlock
Welcome to Sisters of Elune!

My impression is that RP (on weekdays, anyway) happens mostly in the evenings. Even then you won't see it everywhere. You probably want to take a look at the RP events sticky to see if something there interests you--those events are nice for meeting other RPers ICly.

Other than that, the usual advice applies: look for RP flags, emote to breat the ice and so on.

I'll give a whisper if I see you when I'm on later!
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72 Gnome Priest

All of what Muxileth said. The RP events thread she mentioned is here:

All of those events happen very consistently and are a good place to start to meet some of the roleplayers on the server.

My (somewhat limited) experience has been that on weekdays you find Alliance roleplayers in the early evening. Horde roleplayers tend to stay up later. If you are playing Horde, check out the Wyvern Tail Inn in Orgrimmar. For Alliance, Stormwind remains a solid hub.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Horde RPers are mostly around during late evenings, and the RP tends to be event and progession focused rather than social. <Order of Absolution> has been gathering players together for events periodically to try and resuscitate adventure/progression/event RP, so if you feel the need to roll Horde for a teeeeeeeensy little bit, just contact Ebonara/Verenna! SoE has lots of potential, both Horde and Alliance side. We just need to poke at it to get it to move!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Nawww. I don't agree with ya, sweets. I fond Hord rp to ber very social. I can go there, and not go five minutes without someone attempting to role play with me, but may just be me? I find Silvermoon is a great place to hook up with people, and role play. Some of the other guild based role players have left silvermoon, and roam other places. but I find a great deal of my own ( When I've the time to do so) rp in Silvermoon. I've no idea how someone could think Horde side is not social.
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