World PVP!

85 Tauren Druid
Ok so yea...World pvp isnt supposed to be fair...but i like to 1v1 people in Stormwind...Some of you have the honor to 1v1...but when it takes 12 ally to kill 3 horde...AFTER we kill yall about 2-3 times each...thats just sad.

But Congrats on defeating us!
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90 Human Priest
Math is supposed to be the universal language.

But on Azeroth, all laws of physics are subject to some amount of distortion.

Especially true in PvP when it comes to number of players involved in an open-world skirmish.

I did not participate in whatever lil' street fight you are referring to, but I have certainly seen a lot of exaggerated numbers tossed around, about these sort of situations.

Being flagged at the front gate of the opposing faction’s home town entails some amount of risk. That goes for either faction. It works the same way, no matter which side you’re on. The only difference is that Horde players are much more apt to QQ about it on the Forums or in Tarde Channel(s).

NOW… if you truly want some action that involves EVEN numbers…

Try the newest addition to the War Games feature. A group leader can challenge another group leader to a War Games match… even Across Faction!

Choose any Arena setting or Battleground setting and then simply Challenge the other group to a Match!

This works for 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 (Arena settings), and it works for groups of 10 or more (Battleground).

This is a really nifty way of taking open-world skirmishes into an evenly matched situation. In this way, bragging rights are a little more credible.

Try it sometime. Support Blizz’s choice to add features like this into our game.

- Penelopae, Leader of Zen
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