Late Night BGs

100 Tauren Druid
Horde Team Forming for Late Night Rated Battlegrounds

Standard play times will be 11pm - 1am server (flexible nights, and give or take an hour on the time depending on overall team availability). Many quality PVP'ers do raid, so the expectation is we will work this in as many nights as we can per week where we can put together a quality team.

The plan will be to remain competitive, so we will endeavor to put together our best 10 available players each evening depending on skill, availability, and team composition.

Requirements include:

1) Have over 3k resilience
2) Have significant BG experience
3) Have a mic/ventrillo
4) Being willing to work together in a mature, team environment

Please reply here with your info/role, contact Grazlo in-game, or email
Also, we will need to continue to refine our tactics and improve leadership in order to be successful. If you feel you have exceptional BG experience and leadership skills to help lead the group, please let me know.

We start as soon as we have at least 12 players who qualify for the above (currently about half way).
Edited by Grazlo on 7/30/2011 4:49 PM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
I'll help you try and form up a team, I'm sure we could find some people!
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90 Troll Druid
I'd be interested in this as well. ^^
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100 Tauren Druid
Edited - Now forming team...
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Disc priest

3300 resil

Have all necessary things if you need a healer for this :)
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Was just hoping to throw my name into the hat if y'all don't mind. Love me some BM (HAHA!) and battlegrounds. Quite honestly...I play wow for the battlegrounds and that's about it. It's hella fun to me.

Probably will hit 85 in a week or so and then be up to gear in approx 2 weeks from now...if thats cool.
Edited by Jînîn on 7/30/2011 12:29 AM PDT
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