Taking Back the Ghostlands [RP Event]

85 Blood Elf Warlock
The day was just beginning in Sunfury Spire as the Magistrate talked amongst themselves. Nemain Nel'ithal Shadowstar, an Alchemist working in service to them, was preparing possibly the biggest presentation of her career. A presentation that, by the end of its results, could get her a seat on the Magistrate itself.

Grand Magister Rommath sat next to the Regent-Lord, Halduron Brightwing on the other side. Noticing him caused the alchemist to tense with nerves. It was almost time. Clearing her throat as the rest of the Council members settled, and the Magistrate seats quieted down, Nemain took her place in the center of the circular congregation, shuffling her papers.

"Kin of blood, sin'dorei of Silvermoon City...I come to you today to petition. To petition the reclaiming of our lands, what have now been riddled with undead and mindless Scourge...and to eliminate the Tor'Watha trolls from our list of enemies. What say you, Council?"



Just as the above says, I'm hoping to bring something different to RP Events. This will be an ongoing event, and is open to any member of the Horde that would aid the elves in taking back "their" land. ICly we will be fighting against the Tor'Watha trolls of the Ghostlands, and establishing sin'dorei presence there outside of Tranquillien and the Farstrider stronghold. Perhaps it will also bring some RP diversity, so we'll see how it goes! I plan on doing other such little events on other races if it goes well here. :)

The first event will be Friday, August 5th at 9:00 p.m. server time. I will be needing people to volunteer to RP NPCs (trash mobs, and mini-bosses we may encounter). I'd also enjoy to have OOC watchers who just want to come and see how it goes, as it -is- something different than just a party or a ball or a wedding!

Raid invites for the event will go out 15 minutes before the event and close 15 minutes after. If you wish to have a calendar notification/invite, please whisper Nemaiin in-game.

Post questions/comments/concerns here! Hope to see you all in-game!
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90 Troll Mage
what is the minimum level for the rp event? i have just started a priest which is my frist rp toon and if possible bring it.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Any level. The upper-levels will help the lowers and make sure we don't have any Knucklerot/Luzran/Deatholme incidents (just in case we are in those areas). Those who are there OOCly watching or playing NPCs will be charged with the specific task of aiding the lower-levels from being killed or hurt too badly. We will also provide summons to lower-levels but -not- to higher ones. We wish to make this as realistic as possible, so higher levels (20+), bring mounts!

Tranquillien is the meeting point. Keep in mind, we will continue RPing in the Ghostlands until this chain is complete. Therefore, your character, ICly, will be in the Ghostlands. I hope it becomes a new RP hub until we form the next event. :)
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90 Troll Mage
Sweet, Ill be there. My Priests name is Hirthven.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Alright! I will put you on the calendar for the event. Tell all your friends! :)
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Due to IRL circumstances, all holdings for this event have been given to Ebonarah/Talaniel/Nevius. Please contact her in-game for more information. She may choose to do it at the given time, or to push it back. I have left the decision up to her.
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