Alli rated battlegrounds

85 Human Mage
looking at setting up a decent group tried on horde and not enough people logged on
just send me a msg in game with resil/exp cheers
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85 Human Rogue
ill come hot and i can prolly talk lykan,kazero,nokos,hellrott,daraleek,natch,and holyjob into comming aswell. ill confim them as i talk to to them if your making a list there all 2k. natch,holy,and me are 2.1k this season (2093).
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100 Night Elf Druid
Meeee, I'll be kitty or boomy
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85 Night Elf Druid
i woudlnt mind doing some rbgs, im kinda new to feral (i use to pvp as resto quite a bit) but im close to being full vicious and im learning the mechanics slowly.. its strange kinda lol compared to rogues (still like rogues better cuz of vanish and preperation )
Edited by Sabertiger on 7/30/2011 8:55 AM PDT
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