Hey there SoE...A couple friends and myself are thinking of starting a semi-hardcore raiding guild here on SoE and wanted to poke around to see if there would be interest before doing so. It would be a 2-3 night/week schedule from around 7-10 server time in the PM.
I am only looking for serious raiders who can show me they really want it. I need people who could care less about guild perks and join us to raid and progress fairly quickly. If I get enough interest I will Immediatly throw up a guild site for coordination purposes and such. We can all hang out one night after we have the needed raiders to decide on a guild name, how the rules will be set up etc.. Also, these raiders I am looking for need the drive to be part of a core 10m raiding team with 100% attendance aside from emergencies.
If you are interested, and I mean truly interested in this please do not hesitate to reply here or shoot an ingame mail to this toon. Ill be sure to check him multiple times/day to get back with ya asap :)
I am only looking for serious raiders who can show me they really want it. I need people who could care less about guild perks and join us to raid and progress fairly quickly. If I get enough interest I will Immediatly throw up a guild site for coordination purposes and such. We can all hang out one night after we have the needed raiders to decide on a guild name, how the rules will be set up etc.. Also, these raiders I am looking for need the drive to be part of a core 10m raiding team with 100% attendance aside from emergencies.
If you are interested, and I mean truly interested in this please do not hesitate to reply here or shoot an ingame mail to this toon. Ill be sure to check him multiple times/day to get back with ya asap :)