So where is the RP?

85 Gnome Priest
I just rolled a new Blood Elf Mage for some somewhat serious RP on this realm and I am wondering where the RP is? No one in Silvermoon when I was there and I basically walked everywhere in the city. Slow day?

I just made level 14 and I have yet to even see one other player while questing in Eversong Woods.

Where is everybody?

Update. I have still not seen any other players in the game on this realm.

Looks like I will delete my Blood Elf and go roll on a different realm...this one appears dead.

Edited by Gilnandra on 7/31/2011 5:01 AM PDT
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24 Worgen Mage
I haven't seen much myself on the alliance side either. Some folks in clusters talking, that's about it. The place seems relaxed overall, and people have been nice. I guess I need to start looking for a guild. *Admits to a bout of laziness now and then.

Shamus "Clawedhopper" Frye
Edited by Clawedhopper on 8/4/2011 8:01 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
A lot of players are still getting into Cataclysm content. Also, a ton of RP has moved from Silvermoon to Orgrimmar, and even more RP has become world/adventure RP rather than tavern/city RP in order to accommodate the Cataclysm storyline (at least in my experience).

What you need to do is ask Trade (at your own risk) about some of the RP guilds about, and get in touch with an RP guild. They can help bring you into the RP. You won't find RP just sitting in the Silvermoon inn anymore.
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