*sigh* once again Nachtwulf is looking for 3v3 team..Please have gear and skill looking for 2200 rating! PST me in game or mail me.
LF 3v3! 2k +
Lol at alliance. Come back to horde and you'll get your team.
Haven't seen anyone on the ledges of Orgrimmar lately. What happened there? I thought surely soon I'd see someone on the ground attacking.
Seriously good luck on a team though. It seems like a serious, dedicated arena team is like a unicorn around here.
Seriously good luck on a team though. It seems like a serious, dedicated arena team is like a unicorn around here.
Naw , were dorment or just raid ...Besides , "Good" pvp'er's pre Cata from sisters were 1900+ peeps which equals 2200+ in Cata.. A few of us are still on SoE.. The "Really Good" Pvp'ers who were 2500+ left server :p.
hey natch it is arch broske srry bro, dint mean to leave you hangging if you want to come to darkspear we can own it up. but again srry bro and best of luck.
im a good pvper ^_^ do you need a disc priest?
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