Horde looking to make some friends.

I'm playing strictly horde on this server, with this toon as my main. Was hoping to make some friends or meet a guild. I'll be redeploying back to the states after some time in Afganistan. I plan to be in the states in 2 days time.

Hope to see/hear you in game!
Edited by Jînîn on 7/30/2011 12:21 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Well lets hope I can find you, and get some role play rolling. Shoot me an in game whisper anytime.
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This will be my new main (Jinin.)

Looking to go ENH Shaman Gobby. :D
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Disregard! Bahaha. I decided to make my first rogue, Shanked. Cute little troll. xD
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28 Troll Priest
Message Ellach for a good time.
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85 Tauren Druid
If you are looking for a guild <Frequent Sudden Urges> is a Level 10 guild recruiting all roles, classes and races. We are working on building a raid team at this time, but if you aren't interested in raiding we also have players who are in it more for the social aspect.
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