Heres your chance...

85 Human Rogue
My 3v3 team currently looking for a healer(priest or paladin would be best)
  • requirements
  • 2k ratting in 3s,5s or RBGs.
  • Skype ( workking mic will help alot aswell)
  • know how to LoS and call out CCs and dispell what CCs you can.
  • be atleast hard to kill if anything me or my arena partner should not be able to kill you 1v1 or 2v1, this will be a test 2 min for 1v1 and 1.5 min 2v1.
  • Gear

    If you meet this requirments we will let you in the team.

    more info whisper or mail me in-game.

    Info on us ------> your partners well be myself and natchwulf(Fdruid) we have hit 2093 and would like to hit 2.2k before end of season.

    Good luck archi out peace.
  • Reply Quote
    85 Blood Elf Paladin
    What happened to Holyjob? Also, gear me holy and i'll get you there. Hahaaa
    Reply Quote
    85 Human Rogue
    he left the server for awhile and ok switch allie and ill gear you up
    Reply Quote
    85 Blood Elf Paladin
    F*ck alliance. Rofl
    Reply Quote
    85 Night Elf Druid
    Reply Quote

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