[A] Sua Spontes is recruiting

90 Human Priest
We are an Alliance guild on Sisters of Elune founded by people who have enjoyed playing together for a long time. We are experienced raiders who are committed to community, progression, and having fun. We focus on bringing a casual, family-friendly approach to progression raiding on current content. Many of us have known each other for years so vent and guild chat could contain colorful content.

Remembering that there is a real person sitting behind each of our avatars, our guild policies are designed to be ethical and fair. MMO's are by definition social games. Why not be sociable while playing them? We believe that you don't have to be a jerk in order to beat hard content. We do raid with a purpose and expect our members to be focused on the task at hand.

We endeavor to provide everyone with the opportunity to participate and contribute knowing that individual growth leads to team growth. The guild's loot system is EPGP so that we remove all controversy associated with loot rules and knowing where you stand.

We raid 25 man FL Tues @ 7:00 & 2 10 man FL groups Fri @ 7:00 & Sat @ 7:30. We are currently looking for more players to round out our roster. We have opened our recruiting efforts to expand to all areas of the game. All levels, classes, and specs are welcome. We hope this open recruiting will allow us to begin doing more PvP as well as push us into 25-man Firelands raiding.

So please join us, hang out with a great group of folks, work together to beat end-game content, and fulfill your ambitions of becoming legendary (or just relaxing with some friends)!

Visit sua-spontes.wowstead.com or contact Hanzimare, Neverage, Myanessa, Zoezazu, Adorre or Farstrider in game for more info or to apply.
Edited by Hanzimare on 9/4/2011 8:39 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
This sounds like a great program of events and a fantastic opportunity for the right player(s).

Best of luck in Raiding and in all that you fine folks do in Sua Spontes.

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90 Human Priest
We are still looking for 1-2 FL geared healers that can make our raid schedule. The new raid schedule is Tues @ 7:30 for 25 man T11, 25 man FL on Fri @6:30 we start clearing trash so we can start Shannox @ 7:30, 10 man FL Sat @7:30 & a 10 man FL on Mon @7:30 (this is for anyone who couldn't make the weekend raids or had to sit out. we fill it with geared alts).
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90 Human Priest
Still seeking the elusive healer that can consistantly make our fri & sat raids with an internet conn worthy of 25 man raiding.
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90 Human Priest
Also looking for a solid melee DPS for our main progression 10 man.
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