Looking for 3's Arena Partners!

85 Tauren Druid
Very simply, I'm looking for some 3's arena partners to bash some skulls with. I'm looking for a healer and another dps - ideally a holy paly and a sub rogue or any type of mage.

Check me out! - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/sisters-of-elune/Rakamin/simple
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
If you can find a 2k+ capable resto shaman on this server I would happily partner with you for 3s as ret or on my frost DK Brittie who has a dual wield strangulate spec and a 2handed frost desecration spec for things that aren't 2s XD. I don't do the whole unholy pet thing, I didn't sign up to use a pet, f that.


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