Odd, Purpose-Specific Guilds on This Server?

1 Worgen Hunter
Heya folks,

I'm looking at all the RP servers and trying to get a taste for the different offerings on each one. My odd question is this: are there RP (or even non-RP) guilds out there with really unusual focuses?

For a couple examples, I know of a guild on the Cenarion Circle server that acts as neutral couriers and translators between the factions. They carry messages back and forth through the neutral auction houses and host translated RP events for both factions and things like that.

I've also seen a "University" guild that held in-game classes and played a sort of football knock-off in the Gurubashi Arena.

Does this server have anything like this? Even just a crafting guild or something like that is interesting, if it's active and around. Thanks for your help!
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90 Human Paladin
There are some Rp guilds but iv never seen anything to that extent.
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84 Human Priest
I've been tempted to start a Scarlet Crusade/Argent Dawn style guild. I know that they've been done before but they can be fun and provide a direction for guild. But real life commitments on my time prevent me from assuming leadership level responsibilities.
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