Despite the difficulty with recruiting on this server, I'm moving my advances to the forums with hopes to draw some more attention Horde-side for our recruitment.
HiCi is looking for DPS and DPS with healing and/or tanking off-specs. A few of our raiders have been preoccupied with real life and it is becoming more and more rare that we are able to fill out our ten man three times a week.
If you're still reading, our raid times are 8ST to 11ST, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
The classes/specs we are looking for:
Currently we could really use a tank, ours is having more than enough issues with his network card than I care to discuss. Must be FL geared, have vent, a brain, and competent raid and tank dexterity.
Chances are if you apply and know your rear end from your elbow, you'll be accepted into HiCi.
The guild works together very well and the majority of us have known each other a while now. I DON'T deal with drama, so expect to be verbally annihilated and removed if you incite such.
IF I haven't lost you yet, you're in between guilds and looking for a home, you can find me in game and we can get something started.
HiCi is looking for DPS and DPS with healing and/or tanking off-specs. A few of our raiders have been preoccupied with real life and it is becoming more and more rare that we are able to fill out our ten man three times a week.
If you're still reading, our raid times are 8ST to 11ST, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
The classes/specs we are looking for:
Currently we could really use a tank, ours is having more than enough issues with his network card than I care to discuss. Must be FL geared, have vent, a brain, and competent raid and tank dexterity.
Chances are if you apply and know your rear end from your elbow, you'll be accepted into HiCi.
The guild works together very well and the majority of us have known each other a while now. I DON'T deal with drama, so expect to be verbally annihilated and removed if you incite such.
IF I haven't lost you yet, you're in between guilds and looking for a home, you can find me in game and we can get something started.
Edited by Aiona on 8/19/2011 8:58 AM PDT