H - Hit it and Crit it Recruitment *Update*

85 Tauren Druid
08/11/2011 08:00 PMPosted by Aiona
If you're still reading, our raid times are 8ST to 11ST, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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Bump Aiona is ta awesome <3
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100 Orc Warrior
08/11/2011 08:14 PMPosted by Christel
I approve of this. Nice people in this guild, except spawns, he's ugly and eats babies.

HEY first time i look at fourms in like 2 years AND I COME TO THIS HOW DARE YOU SPREAD LIES ABOUT ME FIRST OF ALL

I'm SUPER disformmed UGLY and i eat children babys are to pure of soul children however are the devil! THATS RIGHT

you Must also give tribute of meaty things to me hourly to gain my approval or i will EAT YOU if anyone reads this that is
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