RP in SoE? Yes, we can.

85 Human Warrior
While the title might sound slightly satirical, and many people gave up RP-ing in this realm as right now only a few people actually RP openly on both sides of the factions it does not mean the RP is gone, dead and nada.

I took the liberty to ask around on why and what might've possibly happened to the Open World RP in general, and the answers were quite shocking. Many of the raiders and pvp'ers admitted they're once RP'ers at some point and then just gave up on it or stops their RP completely.

Many who tried to encourage themselves to come back and tries to blend in were just shot down because their presence are downright ignored by the already small circular groups of RP'ers remaining who prefer to not socialize with others.

See folks, the thing is... we can't always rely on the RP dedicated guilds to bring the RP out on us. This applies to both Alliance and Horde (Or Horde and Alliance if you may), while me typing here might sound like another bland person screaming "NO ARPEEE IN SOE, WAHHH" I'm technically almost on that point but doesn't mean I or you should join the legions of people transferring or giving up.

I'm going to make some confessions, and I won't run away from them. I used to be quite active in the forums checking for RP updates and all that stuff related to them while still managing to juggle Raid stuff, Pvp stuff, and screaming at Icejob like a Justin Bieber fangirl (Sorry, mate). Then it all died on the day I decided to pull something stupid and destroyed everything I accumulated completely, but that's a story for another day.

As much as I want to transfer Gottfried and the rest of my toons to another server, I honestly just can't. As much as I want to declare I hate this server due to the clique groups that's popping out here and there, I honestly just cannot. I love this server as much as you do, and it's also where you also met some of the most heart-warming souls in your internet life yes? (Well, it may also be where you met the jackarses of your life but stories differ).

We can, but we cannot. In the terms of yes we can indeed RP, but no we cannot wait for it.

We MUST initiate. Don't be a follower, be an initiator.

RP is of course not compulsory on RP servers but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try it at least once if you haven't. Maybe this is a rule where Blizzard needs to look at, but that'll just take the freedom off the people who wishes to do their own stuff.

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85 Human Warrior
So what can we do?

Simple. Get out there, and RP. A testimony from a Horde acquintance of mine makes me cringe slightly when he tells me that RP in this server has turned into Raid Progression instead.

Doesn't matter if your English is good or bad, we all start somewhere and we do not need to wait for events or others to initiate. I can do it, and so do you and the rest of all of you.

I'm a raider, but I've no RP experience. What should I do?

Check on the times you're not raiding and not busy IRL and that's when you can snuck in short sessions of RP here and there. Join the /RPChatter for Alliance or /SoEOOC for Horde and ask around if anyone wants to RP. There's bound to be a single kind soul that'll help you out (And no, it's not me. I'm not nice. <_<).

RP your raid exploits, how mighty the beast you bested or took down is, or how you have to retreat from it. (While some aspects of this might sound lore-bending, Blizzard themselves has never stick to one storyline anyway).

I'm a pvp'er, I've the same problems as the raider do. What should I do?

The same thing the raiders do, but from a Pvp perspective. Tell of tales of mighty champions you take down on the battlefield, or the sorry columns of enemy reinforcements your regiments butchered.

I was told that RP'ers are creepy and RL losers with no friends, is it true?

Do the people who tell you this even know how the feck RP'ers look like behind computer screens? Or how their social lives are?

I heard RP'ers are twilight vampires infiltrating our domain to take our women away.

Get your head out of the gutter.

Eh, but I bite. Does it count?

Edited by Gottfried on 8/24/2011 9:39 PM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
Where do I start and how do I build my character?

Read. I can't stress this enough, but effective people read. You have time to read up raids and read up pvp tactics why not read other stuffs? Read, read, read, and read the RP articles provided to you on the stickies above this forum and check out Shade's article on how to RP as a beginner:


Does this mean I have to RP everytime I log in? Where's the freedom?

Did I ever say you're a slave of words chained to your chair by an unseen RP mistress?

I'm an Rp'er, but I'm tired of the occasional blood demon dragon vampire hybrid sues running amok in either Goldshire or Silvermoon.

There are some things that just can't be avoided even when you try to. That Blood Elf/Chtulu hybrid will still jump on you to attemp plant their seed on you? First, you can tell that person they're doing it all wrong and ask if they just begin RP'ing or not. Then point out that Chtulu's don't exist in WoW (Ozumat doesn't count and this doesn't just apply to Chtulu's).

If they become angry at you? /ignore and move on. You'll find better stuff, trust me.

All in all, why should I even bother RP-ing?

Because the moment you play this game, you technically ARE rp-ing. You're sitting on a computer with a poker face furiously typing on your keyboard on your characters exploits to dodge the fire, assault that flag in WSG, and so on from third perspective and that COUNTS as indirect role-playing because....you're playing a character that's not you but yours to control. Ain't it?

So why not take it one step up and bring out the actor/actress in you, eh?

Tabit of <Hit It and Crit It> once made a good point to me that even RP griefers are technically RP-ing because, hey... they're playing an MMORPG controlling a character from a computer screen. Point this out to them should you get griefed, and watch them bark out frothing a mouthful. If they disagree, keep on agreeing with yourself. It's fun to watch.

I'm a....

......busy mother of three IRL, and raider in-game. Can I still RP?

......Social worker who helps wipe the backside of the eldery in old folks homes, can I still RP?

.....cashier at Wal-Mart who works night shifts and have to endure customers who came in sporting back-!@#$%^s and spandexes when they're a 300-pounder. Can I still RP?

.....hobo who lives in your basement, can I still RP?

Seriously, even when you're all of the above? Yes.

Where do I begin, and how do I start?

Now. For the love of all that's holy.

Join /RpChatter for Alliance side to find RP contacts.

Join /SoEOOC for Horde side to find RP contacts.

Start now, and smile at your inner actor at the results.

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85 Human Warrior
(Disclaimer: The above is typed in under an hour by the OP and he's not drunk when typing this. Short RP guides in jackass styles are also typed out by him. He's a bit loose on the head with a couple screws missing, but don't worry. Just RP your heart out).
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85 Undead Priest
TL;DR (skimmed)

At the moment, anyways. I'm getting tired, so I'll read it a bit more tomorrow.

I wanted to say, though, that I came back from a long absence to find Silvermoon City empty during prime time. Imagine my shock and surprise. I haven't really felt like doing RP for awhile now (for personal reasons, nothing else), but I do enjoy watching other people's RP.

So where did everyone go?
Edited by Saiymina on 8/27/2011 12:05 AM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
Well, many have transferred because they believe the "grass is greener on the other side". RP died out the moment Blizz made contents easy beyond understanding where even a 5 years old knows how to tank a heroic.

The big servers survive due to the large player pool AND the refugees from smaller servers, hence small servers like us suffers alot from such.

Another factor are personal problems. I'm not so sure why was SoE once penned their motto "We have drama", but I'm beginning to understand when I let myself get involved in one. It's like a poison, but it's actually easy to fix once we get over our heads and not charge headlong into one. Something I'm repeatedly guilty of. No more of that for me, I'm here to love, and I'm also here to spread the fun and joy.

Then again, there're many others problems I'm not even aware of. Best not to prod in, but eh... let's encourage non-RP'ers to start RP-ing, give it a try for once. Who knows they enjoy being an actor?
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90 Night Elf Druid
I hope this will help me. I've been on a quest to find a little Role play for a few days now, and just been feeling disapointment over, and over, and over... Thats all going to change now!?
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85 Human Warrior
Hi! While this information might not directly help you to find RP ASAP, by all means please do continue your quest! I'm just providing my opinion on what and where to find the gold when the river's run out of gold.

The moment we gave up is when we'll never find anything of course.
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72 Blood Elf Paladin
I was thinking of moving over to SoE, but this article gives me the idea that that would be a bad idea. Do you think I should?
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85 Human Warrior
By all means, this article wasn't meant to be a bad impression of the server, hey maybe it's how I write stuff but I don't have a degree in English to input dem Shakespearen Hard Words so apologies if it sounds discouraging but by all means. We need more RP'ers here.

People have been complaining about Raid Progression here and there, and even more Raid Progression. This isn't the server for it. Keep in mind I'm not saying we shouldn't raid, but in my honest opinion an RP server shouldn't be where people come here competing on who finishes a Raid faster or who's the best Pvp'er. It's called an RP server for a reason.

So yes, we need more RP'ers.
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Now. For the love of all that's holy.

Join /RpChatter for Alliance side to find RP contacts.

Join /SoEOOC for Horde side to find RP contacts.

I think we're not seeing a lot of new RPers because information like this is not at all public knowledge. When I decided I would try my hand at roleplaying, I had no idea what to do or where to go because all the event schedules and chat channels are so hard to find!
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09/24/2011 08:47 AMPosted by Terias
I think we're not seeing a lot of new RPers because information like this is not at all public knowledge. When I decided I would try my hand at roleplaying, I had no idea what to do or where to go because all the event schedules and chat channels are so hard to find!

I agree entirely mano. I have had a lot of folks tell me "Dude...I never knew about this channel..i could of been RPing months ago!"

So if you see any RPers around or have friends who RP, you should tell them about RPchatter and see if you can get them to join it. The more RP'ers we can connect with, the more RP we can possibly get in the future. But this goes for others also, not just a few of us. We as a whole need to put in the effort.
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