While the title might sound slightly satirical, and many people gave up RP-ing in this realm as right now only a few people actually RP openly on both sides of the factions it does not mean the RP is gone, dead and nada.
I took the liberty to ask around on why and what might've possibly happened to the Open World RP in general, and the answers were quite shocking. Many of the raiders and pvp'ers admitted they're once RP'ers at some point and then just gave up on it or stops their RP completely.
Many who tried to encourage themselves to come back and tries to blend in were just shot down because their presence are downright ignored by the already small circular groups of RP'ers remaining who prefer to not socialize with others.
See folks, the thing is... we can't always rely on the RP dedicated guilds to bring the RP out on us. This applies to both Alliance and Horde (Or Horde and Alliance if you may), while me typing here might sound like another bland person screaming "NO ARPEEE IN SOE, WAHHH" I'm technically almost on that point but doesn't mean I or you should join the legions of people transferring or giving up.
I'm going to make some confessions, and I won't run away from them. I used to be quite active in the forums checking for RP updates and all that stuff related to them while still managing to juggle Raid stuff, Pvp stuff, and screaming at Icejob like a Justin Bieber fangirl (Sorry, mate). Then it all died on the day I decided to pull something stupid and destroyed everything I accumulated completely, but that's a story for another day.
As much as I want to transfer Gottfried and the rest of my toons to another server, I honestly just can't. As much as I want to declare I hate this server due to the clique groups that's popping out here and there, I honestly just cannot. I love this server as much as you do, and it's also where you also met some of the most heart-warming souls in your internet life yes? (Well, it may also be where you met the jackarses of your life but stories differ).
We can, but we cannot. In the terms of yes we can indeed RP, but no we cannot wait for it.
We MUST initiate. Don't be a follower, be an initiator.
RP is of course not compulsory on RP servers but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try it at least once if you haven't. Maybe this is a rule where Blizzard needs to look at, but that'll just take the freedom off the people who wishes to do their own stuff.
I took the liberty to ask around on why and what might've possibly happened to the Open World RP in general, and the answers were quite shocking. Many of the raiders and pvp'ers admitted they're once RP'ers at some point and then just gave up on it or stops their RP completely.
Many who tried to encourage themselves to come back and tries to blend in were just shot down because their presence are downright ignored by the already small circular groups of RP'ers remaining who prefer to not socialize with others.
See folks, the thing is... we can't always rely on the RP dedicated guilds to bring the RP out on us. This applies to both Alliance and Horde (Or Horde and Alliance if you may), while me typing here might sound like another bland person screaming "NO ARPEEE IN SOE, WAHHH" I'm technically almost on that point but doesn't mean I or you should join the legions of people transferring or giving up.
I'm going to make some confessions, and I won't run away from them. I used to be quite active in the forums checking for RP updates and all that stuff related to them while still managing to juggle Raid stuff, Pvp stuff, and screaming at Icejob like a Justin Bieber fangirl (Sorry, mate). Then it all died on the day I decided to pull something stupid and destroyed everything I accumulated completely, but that's a story for another day.
As much as I want to transfer Gottfried and the rest of my toons to another server, I honestly just can't. As much as I want to declare I hate this server due to the clique groups that's popping out here and there, I honestly just cannot. I love this server as much as you do, and it's also where you also met some of the most heart-warming souls in your internet life yes? (Well, it may also be where you met the jackarses of your life but stories differ).
We can, but we cannot. In the terms of yes we can indeed RP, but no we cannot wait for it.
We MUST initiate. Don't be a follower, be an initiator.
RP is of course not compulsory on RP servers but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try it at least once if you haven't. Maybe this is a rule where Blizzard needs to look at, but that'll just take the freedom off the people who wishes to do their own stuff.