RP partner or partners

10 Night Elf Druid
Hi all,

I am looking for others who wish to level up together just questing in an RP fashion. I am not looking to instance level or hit 85 in a few days. I want to enjoy all or at least most of the new content and RP seems to be a fun way to do it.

If you too have that desire then put away that hairloom gear and join me on the adventures to come.

I am new at RP'ing so dont be nervious to join up with me as we can learn together and enjoy the game. If you are an experienced RP'er than all the better.

Any RP guilds out there that dont mind having a new RP'er drop me an in game mail as I am sure i have much to learn with emotes etc.

I will be on tonight around 9pm server with this charactor.
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85 Undead Mage
RP partner or partners

pick me pick me

i got 2200 3v3 and RBG rating... i can prove it!!

ill link the achievment.. err if i can find it

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