Halaa World PVP Event

90 Troll Mage
I have been working on acquiring the halaa battle tokens for a while and would like to set up an Halaa World PVP event for fun. My free time is somewhat restricted, so we would have to do this Mondays, Wednesdays, or Friday (Day Time Only on Friday).

I am looking for members from both factions for this event. If possible, I would like to see what the time frame available for those available is.

Time frame for now can be set up in 3 Weeks: Sept. 19-24. Specific Date has yet to be determined.

*EDIT* - My availability may or may not include Saturday Nights, depending on what kind of homework I have for the weekend as I am studying Mechanical Engineering from University of Maine.
Edited by Aitnemed on 9/2/2011 2:44 PM PDT
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90 Orc Warlock
We did this back in '09 I think, was really successful and a lot of fun. I'd be interested in bringing my warrior should there be enough interest alliance side.
Edited by Ywil on 9/2/2011 7:10 AM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
Hell, I'd give you some of my dusty banked battle tokens... SOOOOO many of them it's annoying... never got around to farming for the research tokens to do anything with them.

Seriously, I have 268 in my bank.

Look me up if you need some extra muscle though. I take owning Halaa very seriously.
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70 Orc Death Knight
I am with you, in the evenings.

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85 Gnome Mage
I'd be interested, as long as I'm not the only Alliance :)
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