[H] Rated Battleground


I am looking to run a Rated Battleground PuG group on Fridays evenings, probably starting around 7 or 8 server and running till 10 or 11 or till I am tired of it. I request at least a full vicious set on the spec you wish to run on and some sort of serious PvP experience. I also request you download skype, as that will be our communication tool, if you are unable to do you, you will also find yourself unable to get invited.

Please contact me in-game though mail or whispers as I only check the forums about once every 2 years.

Also, I am healing, so I would like about 5 dps, 2 healers, 1 utility (healer/dps offspec) and 1 Flag Carrier. If I am overwhelmed with people, I may be motivated to do 15s as well.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
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