Two very able DPS, myself and my guildmate Glenia (Arcane/Frost Mage) are looking for both 10 and 25 man heroic LK clears to snag the Bane of the Fallen King and The Light of Dawn titles. We are familiar with the fights. I am also looking for anyone who may be interested in repetitive MC runs for Hydraxian rep. Drop me a line in-game or reply here. Thanks!
[H] 85s Looking for LK Raids
Really, any raids would be lovely. Our guild is way too small to raid on its own but I like it too much to leave. We have pretty good raid awareness, bring our own pots, flasks, and food, have vent access, and show up on time with no distractions. If your raids are missing some stealthy stabbity and arcane oomph, please let us know. :)
Would be happy to run MC with you all. I organize BC raid pugs every week as well, and would love to have you along. Whisper me in game in the evenings.
<3 WW
<3 WW
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