Discipline priest looking for the right guild

80 Orc Death Knight
My raider is a disc priest with a holy os. Current progression is 2/7 HM FL. Current ilevel of gear is 378. I have a realm first raiding achievement in 25 mans. Experience in 40, 25 and 10 man raiding.

In Vanilla, early TBC and early wrath I was in leadership, but not interested in it now.
Cleared most content since vanilla while current. Have held a core raid slot since 11/2005.

What I think I can offer:
Great attendance, maturity, 110% effort, desire to help grow a reasonably serious raiding guild, willingness to commit and desire to contribute to the right guild, including one behind me in progression a bit, positive attitude, etc.

What I would really like to find:
A good raiding guild that is more than casual, but not really hardcore, with mature and positive players, with good leadership, with stability, and which raids no more than 12 hours a week.

My possible availability would be 6:30 pm CST - 11:00 pm CST Monday - Thursday, and virtually anytime from 6:00 pm CST Friday to 11:00 pm CST Sunday

I prefer Alliance, but for the right fit would go Horde. I will not go to a pvp server.

I am really interested in having fun with other like minded players, with a solid focus on raiding, but not to the extent it is a second job or so tense and critical that all fun is drained out of it. THAT is why I have decided to step back from hardcore.

I will be taking my time because I have moved around some, and I am seriously tired of it.

I would be interested in a confidental way to give you my main's armory link, etc., and to an interview on your vent or mumble. I have tried to give enough info to appeal to those with whom I and they would be mutual good fits.

(Edited to shorten)

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Edited by Aristotel on 9/8/2011 4:17 AM PDT
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85 Draenei Hunter
If you are still looking for a guild we would love to talk with you to see if our raid could be something you are interested in. The majority of our raiders have been together for a couple years now, but we do have one raid spot that we have been unable to solidly fill in Cataclysm. Please feel free to contact me in game to talk further.
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