Anything left?

90 Blood Elf Warrior
I know everyone has just about hopped on the WrA wagon, and I may just join them soon, but I'm wondering is there anyone left on Horde side role playing? What I've seen as of late scares me, because it seems all thats left are a few stalkers, and a few jealous folk. It's a horrid thing for sure, but I wonder are any of the well rounded people still around?

A good friend of mine had to get a name change, because she was being harrassed by a certain rogue, and as soon as this rogue started stepping back into Silvermoon I noticed EVERYONE cleared out. Maybe it has nothing to do with her, but I'm now going to be one of the ones saying '' Rp on Sisters Of Elune is dead ''. Sad, but true as far as I've seen, and don't just tell me '' Get out of silvermoon, and look. I've looked everywhere fori t, and it's either hidden very well, or jsut gone.

Most of you know me as the one whome defended rp on this server, and claimed it wasn't gone that it was just slowed from the expansion, and other nonsense, but what is the excuse now? I think Talibah said it best on the guild website when she spoke about one of her experiances, because it's something like this thats made me start asking around WrA, and trying to get a feel for the community~ not that anyone is left to care that is.

SoE is my home. It was the first server I role played on, and will always have that place in my gamer heart, but it just seems like I deal with more drama, and crazy stalekrs even with my ignore feature on than I get the laughs, and fun I used to. Please don't take this as me insulting the server as a whole, and I'm sure there are a good many people on other server~ in fact some of the WrA folk whome used to play SoE left for mostly the same reason I am considering leaving.

I've talked about it a good many times, and never really considered it, but now I think it's just aobut time for that change, and unless something happens I fear my time with SoE is about to be split with another server, agian not that really any of you whome may read this will even take notice of this. I am pretty sure only 4-5 of my real friends are left if that many. All gone to other servers. Even guildsI used to be in are gone to other servers.

Feel free to report this post as many of you have done to so many of my other threads, or troll it saying '' you have no clue what your talking about '' I have not been on this server as long as some, but it's been about three years for me, and I think it's safe to say rp may never come back, and if it does it won't be anytime soon, because more, and more people are leaving due to the agressive, and vindictive nature of a selected SoE role players. I pay for the subscription to tlak to friends, and have fun with a few of them. Not to be stalked, and harrassed.

Feel free to disagree with me on these key ponts, but Telarian's days on this server may jsut be numbered after all that I have been through. I've went as far as to reserve my name on WrA. I hope to split the time I play on both server up, but if nothing changes here I think I'll just end up like allot of the community, and jsut stay away alltogether. For anyone whome is left that has witnessed all the rantings, and complaining I bid you an early farewell, and wish you the best of luck if you wish to stay on this server, but as for me I've grown tired of it.

For the few friends left on this server I'm sorry if this feels like I'm jumping on the band wagon, and perhaps I am. I have reasons for doing so though, and I hope you will respect them, or just not talk to me about them. Thank you the sisters Of elune Community for giving me almost four years of good role playing. Of teaching in the act of role palying, and for all the tips I was given on hw to role play. Most of you older players were my teachers without even knowing, and from watching you I think I turned out to be an ok role player. Farewell!

~ Telarin Silverwind.

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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I've determined there is a lot of drama on RP servers. Roleplayers are just prone to it.

RPers will RP wherever they are. Go roll a toon over there. If you like it, go. If you don't, don't. It's that simple.

This is a game. It's not a life or death decision no matter what you do and it's not like you can't transfer back/roll another toon. And you're not in any less touch with REAL friends via realID.

Do whatever.

This, pretty much.
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85 Undead Mage
This is a game. It's not a life or death decision no matter what you do

i hear this all the time on the foroomz but i dont think people get it lol, for many folks this is life or death

wow is serious business to some peeps

and about ignoring, blizzard really has to implement an account wide ignore feature, i sweare everytime i ignore someone he gets on another alt and harasses lol

crazy peeps out there i tell ya.. thank god im behind a computer screen

Edited by Skeletos on 9/14/2011 1:24 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
It is just a game, and I cannot stress that enough to some of these crazed people that feel the need to stalk me, and anyone I decide to talk to. I do agree with the ignore feature being acount wide. I've also been a heavy raider, a pvp'er, and mostly a role player. I didn't mean to make it more dramatic than it really was, and for that I apologize if it seemed that way.

It is a game I burn 15 bucks a month on though, and for that I try to get as much fun out of it as I can. I'm a role player at heart, but I like to raid at times too. I see more raiding, and rbgs on this server than rp. Which is fine it jsut means the community has traded trends, and what not.

I have a R/L though, and have not had the fre time to really gear up for raiding or pvp, so rping is abou t the only thing I've been able to do, and there just any of it here, besides a fe firends I have left. Even with those I can't hardly do anything with out of fear some of my jealous stalkers. Or haters, and trolls.

I've determined there is a lot of drama on RP servers. Roleplayers are just prone to it.

RPers will RP wherever they are. Go roll a toon over there. If you like it, go. If you don't, don't. It's that simple.

This is a game. It's not a life or death decision no matter what you do and it's not like you can't transfer back/roll another toon. And you're not in any less touch with REAL friends via realID.

Do whatever.

It is that simple ,and I guess I was over exagerating just a little. it was still pretty early for me when I was getting that post laid out, and I wasn't paying much attention to it. I may go back, and edit it at some point~ not that it matters tha besic idea, and meaning for it still stands.

Drama is something that attracts some role players. Myself included, and it's nice when it's preplanned, and goes along icly with RP. Anyother time it's meaningless banter that I really don't need to hear/listen to. I hope my point is understood.
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85 Night Elf Druid
I think everyone has felt the lack of RP out there, in all honesty Ally side has had drama I'd rather not be around so have taken to playing horde more as of late. While horde RP is lacking as the ally side there are still a few. If ever I am on I'm game for RP and wouldn't consider myself one of those freaky stalker types just another player looking to relax and have fun in game and try to help add or create interesting stories.

feel free to add Mairyx, Flinryx, Nystondia, and/or Nåitiri to your friends list or if you see us around start up some RP. THey are usually running around one city or another waiting on queues or looking for RP. and the a on Nait's name is alt+134
Edited by Miradollia on 9/15/2011 1:21 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Mage
What saddens me most, I think, is the puzzled looks from other players when I do RP something as simple an auction exchange or an interaction with an NPC. Truth is, I blame much of the lack of RP and RP awareness on Blizzard itself for not enforcing RP server rules.

Just an edit to add that I spent some time on WrA and, no, the grass is not greener despite the considerable amount of manure to be found there. ;)
Edited by Glenia on 9/16/2011 1:28 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
09/16/2011 01:17 AMPosted by Glenia
Just an edit to add that I spent some time on WrA and, no, the grass is not greener despite the considerable amount of manure to be found there. ;)

This statement made me laugh quite a bit, and I don't think I could have said it better myself.

As for the subject of the OP, I believe there's a good many threads regarding this throughout the OBoards here.

"Lack of RP" won't be fixed by talking about leaving, complaining other places have it better, finger pointing, harping, needling, trolling, or grousing in general. In addition, it won't be resuscitated via a single event, person, faction, guild, forum post, storyline, unofficial site, or random thread.

If we're blindly searching for some analogy here, I suppose RP is kinda like luvin'; just because you aren't getting any, it doesn't mean others aren't. But it ain't just gonna walk up to you. You have to earn it. How do you do that? Well, that's much too intricate of a discussion for a single post, but I believe if you look back on other posts we've had in the past when we've beaten on the body of this fetid expired equine of "ZOMGARRPEEZISDED!", you might find precisely what it is to which I'm referring.

What creates an RP server? The people on it. And in the end, an RP community is what you make it by every action taken, IC and OOC. If you try hard enough, it might be good here. If not, good luck elsewhere.

And that, as they say, is that.

/tar dead horse
/use Flamethrower
Edited by Bellamuerte on 9/16/2011 4:34 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
09/16/2011 01:17 AMPosted by Glenia
Just an edit to add that I spent some time on WrA and, no, the grass is not greener despite the considerable amount of manure to be found there. ;)

I love you.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
09/16/2011 02:27 AMPosted by Bellamuerte
Just an edit to add that I spent some time on WrA and, no, the grass is not greener despite the considerable amount of manure to be found there. ;)

This statement made me laugh quite a bit, and I don't think I could have said it better myself.

As for the subject of the OP, I believe there's a good many threads regarding this throughout the OBoards here.

"Lack of RP" won't be fixed by talking about leaving, complaining other places have it better, finger pointing, harping, needling, trolling, or grousing in general. In addition, it won't be resuscitated via a single event, person, faction, guild, forum post, storyline, unofficial site, or random thread.

If we're blindly searching for some analogy here, I suppose RP is kinda like luvin'; just because you aren't getting any, it doesn't mean others aren't. But it ain't just gonna walk up to you. You have to earn it. How do you do that? Well, that's much too intricate of a discussion for a single post, but I believe if you look back on other posts we've had in the past when we've beaten on the body of this fetid expired equine of "ZOMGARRPEEZISDED!", you might find precisely what it is to which I'm referring.

What creates an RP server? The people on it. And in the end, an RP community is what you make it by every action taken, IC and OOC. If you try hard enough, it might be good here. If not, good luck elsewhere.

And that, as they say, is that.

/tar dead horse
/use Flamethrower


Thats a very nice speech, but the point still stands that there is hardly anything left. I'm not the only one not getting any '' luvin'' or so many people wouldn't have left de to the fact there is not really any rp left here. I've spoken to qutie a few about it, and it's not just my opinion.

I'm tired of reading all these threads'' Lets do this, and rp will get better. '' I'm also sick of hearing people say '' The server is dead for rp '' Which in all rights I've said in this very forum post, and it does seem liked I've jumped into that -crowd- I guess. Another thing if your trying to tell me -I- somone who has never had any issues finding rp on this server (Besides on alliance for a short while) is just not looking right or doing the right stuff I would honestly like to know what is right?

It seems I've done the right stuff for a few years now, but when there is no one aroudn there is just no one around. The hot spots that used to be there~ Fel even Silvermoon is dead these days. I went there a little while ago /who I was the only one there. I have seen you -Bella- post something like this '' Still all in Silvermoon? Thats so two expacs ago! ''. I'm sure you have some sort of secret palces where the rp on the server is that on WrA, and MG, and it's all jsut hidden fro mthe rest of the server, but it simpy doesn't seem to be the case.

I've tryed to defend the server aswell. I used those same words not to long ago, but the decline is not getting better it's getting worse. More, and more people are leaving. Guilds have been the blame drama quuens, and kings. Even when those who had blame left the server didn't get better just worse.

I enjoyed reading this feedback though, and even though I don't agree with it~ well most people I would ask ouldn't agree with it really. It's the same excuse I used when I still had a few contacts, and people left, but they moved onto WrA, or Mg for that matter. All for most the same reason '' Rp is dead, why don't you come over here with me? Everyone is over there. ''

Thats a message I've gotten quite a few times, and I've stayed loyal to this server, because it's my home server. It was a palce to come unwind when I got sick of Raid progression, and than I moved my toons here. After a few years I consider myself a member of the SoE community.~ maybe not an active one when compared to otehrs, but a member nevertheless. I've seen events happening, and uquite a few guilds host them. I'm jsut more open to walk up, and non-planned rp I guess.

I think everyone has felt the lack of RP out there, in all honesty Ally side has had drama I'd rather not be around so have taken to playing horde more as of late. While horde RP is lacking as the ally side there are still a few. If ever I am on I'm game for RP and wouldn't consider myself one of those freaky stalker types just another player looking to relax and have fun in game and try to help add or create interesting stories.

feel free to add Mairyx, Flinryx, Nystondia, and/or Nåitiri to your friends list or if you see us around start up some RP. THey are usually running around one city or another waiting on queues or looking for RP. and the a on Nait's name is alt+134

I don't think I've seen you on Horde, but I may just take you up on the offer!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

Thats a very nice speech, but the point still stands that there is hardly anything left. I'm not the only one not getting any '' luvin'' or so many people wouldn't have left de to the fact there is not really any rp left here. I've spoken to qutie a few about it, and it's not just my opinion.

I'm tired of reading all these threads'' Lets do this, and rp will get better. '' I'm also sick of hearing people say '' The server is dead for rp '' Which in all rights I've said in this very forum post, and it does seem liked I've jumped into that -crowd- I guess. Another thing if your trying to tell me -I- somone who has never had any issues finding rp on this server (Besides on alliance for a short while) is just not looking right or doing the right stuff I would honestly like to know what is right?

It seems I've done the right stuff for a few years now, but when there is no one aroudn there is just no one around. The hot spots that used to be there~ Fel even Silvermoon is dead these days. I went there a little while ago /who I was the only one there. I have seen you -Bella- post something like this '' Still all in Silvermoon? Thats so two expacs ago! ''. I'm sure you have some sort of secret palces where the rp on the server is that on WrA, and MG, and it's all jsut hidden fro mthe rest of the server, but it simpy doesn't seem to be the case.

I've tryed to defend the server aswell. I used those same words not to long ago, but the decline is not getting better it's getting worse. More, and more people are leaving. Guilds have been the blame drama quuens, and kings. Even when those who had blame left the server didn't get better just worse.

I enjoyed reading this feedback though, and even though I don't agree with it~ well most people I would ask ouldn't agree with it really. It's the same excuse I used when I still had a few contacts, and people left, but they moved onto WrA, or Mg for that matter. All for most the same reason '' Rp is dead, why don't you come over here with me? Everyone is over there. ''

Thats a message I've gotten quite a few times, and I've stayed loyal to this server, because it's my home server. It was a palce to come unwind when I got sick of Raid progression, and than I moved my toons here. After a few years I consider myself a member of the SoE community.~ maybe not an active one when compared to otehrs, but a member nevertheless. I've seen events happening, and uquite a few guilds host them. I'm jsut more open to walk up, and non-planned rp I guess.

I have no clue what the point of your reply was intended to be, if I might be honest.

My post won't change anything (that wasn't the intent of it, regardless), and your original post won't either. Making threads talking about people who have left isn't going to bring them all back. RP has changed here, as it has on other servers and will do so on (lol) mecca servers like WrA. It's the nature of RP servers, from what I've seen; a life-cycle that seems to be unavoidable.

My point, since you seemed to have missed it, was that if you're not happy here, do what you need to do to be happy. If you can't find something to salvage on SoE - a server community we all made as it is, so be sure to thank your friends and be proud of your own input to what it was and is - then it's time, perhaps, to either look elsewhere or leave game completely if you're unhappy and things don't change to get back to how you want it.

As for beating a drum in regard to fixing things? My days on that are done. It was up to each and every person that was here, not just me and a handful of folks. I'm finished with championing things, however. SoE is home for me, but I've no misconception that it will ever be what it was, and I don't have time nor energy to squander on lost causes any further.


PS - I was right about kingdoms on sand. ;)
Edited by Bellamuerte on 9/20/2011 7:32 PM PDT
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