LFM Sunwell (BC raid) on Friday nights

70 Orc Death Knight
I have been organizing BC raids for the past week or two on SoE with good success (solid turnouts and fast clears). Thanks to everyone who has taken part! On Friday nights, I hope to initiate a regular late night Sunwell pug for anyone who needs the achievement, desires some morg/RP gear, or just wants to see the content. We will start at 11:30pm server. Please look for my LFM announcement in trade or whisper me in game to get on the weekly invite list. With enough interested people, I will be happy to organize tier-themed BC raid nights throughout the week.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Edited by Warwrought on 9/16/2011 9:59 AM PDT
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70 Blood Elf Rogue
what server
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Well he said SoE and he's posting on the SoE boards so I can only assume he's on Sisters of Elune.
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Warwrought is an alt of mine. I ran a good deal of BC content in the fall before interest began to wain. I moved WW to another server, where there was more lvl 70 activity and that too has dried up. I was thinking of moving him back to SoE before MoP.

Short answer: I am not organizing these runs on SoE at present, but may well in the near future. Stay tuned.

<3 Rhu
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