silvermoon is not rp

81 Blood Elf Warrior
sitting in silvermoon in your RP gear is not RP unless you actually RP with the people around you. This shouldn't need to be said. If you think RP isn't dead on our server, look at Wyrmrest Accord's RP, we don't need a huge population to get RP as good as Wyrmrest Accord... We just need people to actuallyRP! Start RPing elsewhere, in the ruins above UC, in the DK starting area, in icecrown, in silverpine, in durotar, in gilneas, in vashj'ir, it doesnt matter.

People need to start RPing places other than just Silvermoon City on the Horde, and just Stormwind on the Alliance. There are millions of other places that would be great. If your RP guild is pirate themed... find a boat. If your RP guild is Orc-Clan themed... find an Orc type area. Ya cant keep standing in Silvermoon and whining about how RP is dead on our Server if your not doing anything to generate RP other than sitting in Silvermoon and getting your toon drunk.

(PS: Blood Elves with Japanese sounding names... should be against naming policy's IMO...)

(PS..S: Don't be afraid to do instances or raids, or even pvp... while you RP... it makes it alot more interesting if your RPing in a situation where your life is at stake... or you actually have to do more than just type...)
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*Tosses Kontra a SoE RP flag* Welcome to the good fight Brother

I love to see that the RP flame still burns in the Horde. It only takes one voice to start a movement but the time for action comes along with it. Each step to help generate RP, is a helpful step, and each step will be different. Some steps will fill very rocky and some will feel very easy, you just cannot give up when you hit the rocky ones.

"Every Castle is built one stone at a time"

sitting in silvermoon in your RP gear is not RP unless you actually RP with the people around you

This is a great thing to take note of and one thing for people to really consider. Though there are times where this rule does not apply. The RPer that goes more out of their way to make RP happen, tends to be the one that gets all the RP.

In short: Wall flowering is nice, but doesn't get you RP as fast as actually stepping out on the floor to put a effort in.

we don't need a huge population to get RP as good as Wyrmrest Accord... We just need people to actuallyRP

While I know this was not the entire part of your statement. I would like to add to this little spot a bit. Yes, we do not need a huge population to get RP as good as WrA, we just need to actually RP. But what I would like to add to this is this: We should -NOT- worry about what Wyrmrest Accord or Moon Guard is doing, we should worry about what we are doing.

Not knocking WrA for their RP efforts and for what they have achieved, but we should strive to go beyond WrA. We shouldn't strive to be "Good as them" or "as good as Moon Guard." We should strive to make our home better and make our home beyond these other places.

But everyone works at their own speed and that's all well and good. We should not forget that this is just a game, that we should only worry about having fun, and that's pretty much what RP is about, having fun.

Remember Brothers and Sisters.
"Griefers will grief, Haters will hate, but RP will never die as long as we’re around". People like Kontra, Talibah, and many others are still around on Horde side, so your RP has not died. You just need to help your Brothers, Sisters, and yourself strive to improve things not just for yourself, but for all Horde RP'ers.

Kontra, keep up the fight mano and if I can manage it, I will come throw in my effort to help my Horde Brothers and Sisters with RP one way or another.
Edited by Tãmz on 9/24/2011 1:52 PM PDT
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More of these threads are not going to help your cause.

Openly, visibly roleplaying, however, will. Speaking in /say. Emoting. Random acts of RP will get RPers interested.

Too often I see isolated roleplayers sitting together in RP sets doing what is undoubtedly party chat RP. Nothing wrong with this but if involvement is your goal get people involved.

Thoughts from a non-RPer.

I raised a eyebrow a moment but I went through the rest of the post and this is all very true.

Yes, just RPing in seclusion or posting on these forum's will not help our cause. Being more public will indeed help our cause more. But posting on these forum's is still one step in the right direction, its just a matter of taking more steps to ensure the momentum is not lost.
Edited by Tãmz on 9/24/2011 2:22 PM PDT
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t is, but multiple threads only clutter the available space on the front page, and since this realm's forums don't particularly punt topics frequently, one thread pushes other content away.

There's another thread on the same topic a few posts down.

That's the only side point I was making.

Alright mano, thanks for the input all the same :)
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88 Orc Hunter
I'm new to the game and would love to rp. At this time I'm a little burnt out questing (To be honest I'm not that skilled. Yet!) Am happy to see an active horde rp community. Whisper me anytime
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100 Blood Elf Priest
SMC was for a long time a hub for RP, that doesn't mean it will always remain there. It can happen anywhere if you just start getting involved and talking to folks. I have made some RP connections in places like Dal and Booty Bay. One never knows, but you get what you give and need to RP around folks to get others to do the same.
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