To the SoE RP Community and long live it!

To all our Brothers and Sisters of the Sisters of Elune RP community, these words are a tribute to the lifeblood that lives inside each of us as proud RP'ers of SoE.

We’re RP'ers of SoE

We are the life that gives the server the title of “RP server”

RP is not Raid Progression, it is Role play, and it is something that we take pride in doing.

RP is a flame that burns inside each of us and it is a flame we should not allow to be put out.

We’re RP'ers of one community and we are united even with pathetic differences, we are one.

From the mystical lands of Teldrassil to the majestic Azuremyst isles.

Across the great mesa of Mulgore to the lands of new beginnings of Durotar

Across the sea to gloomy Tristfal and the lush forest of Eversong

Over the mighty mountains of Dun Morogh to the stoic lands of Elwynn Forest.

The players will not hear; SoE “We know Drama”

They will hear; SoE “We have proud RP'ers”

Griefers will grief, Haters will hate, but RP will never die as long as we’re around.

No matter our experiences, no matter our differences of opinion, no matter our differences of style, we’re RP’ers and we will never let anything get in the way of our RP!

Long live the SoE RP Community!

Tãmz Dunabar Silversword, Proud RPer of SoE.
Edited by Tãmz on 9/23/2011 4:23 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Well said Tamz! Much loves from this RPer to ya for posting this one.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Down with the naysayers, doom and gloom speakers, the whiners and all the others that say things are dead.

Get off yer bum, and put all that effort into RP and I can almost guarantee something positive will come from it.

When it comes to RP you get what you give...and to quote Field of Dreams, "If you build it, they will come."

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Down with the naysayers, doom and gloom speakers, the whiners and all the others that say things are dead.

Get off yer bum, and put all that effort into RP and I can almost guarantee something positive will come from it.

When it comes to RP you get what you give...and to quote Field of Dreams, "If you build it, they will come."

Up the RP! Keep the spirit of the RP community strong, keep it growing, and do not let the haters and griefers slow you.

In the end, those who choose to swim will see land before they know it. Those who choose not to swim, will remain motionless in the empty sea.
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/em salutes the RPers on SoE.
Edited by Taleis on 9/25/2011 6:26 PM PDT
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09/25/2011 06:26 PMPosted by Taleis
/em salutes the RPers on SoE.

/salute to you also sir.
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90 Night Elf Priest
Mr. Silversword,

Your actuating, heartfelt spirit and well-thought diction have inspired me. I am reminded that I do not RP for the sake of impressing or pleasing others, but rather the fulfillment and enjoyment that comes as a story unfolds.

Friend, haters and griefers are merely shadows in comparison to self-doubt and foolish pride. Together, these traits combine to form an apathy stronger than the will of most. You have broken that apathy. You stand for a cause that is far from dead. You pierce the hearts of those willing to admit defeat, only to give them another reason to stand strong.

It has been said, "You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" You see no reason for RP to be stagnant, and you see no reason to stop fighting the good fight. I commend you.

I wish you the finest in your endeavors, Mr. Silversword.
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09/26/2011 03:53 AMPosted by Dathdar
I wish you the finest in your endeavors, Mr. Silversword.

I wish you the finest also, Mr. Dathdar.

RP'ers just seek to have their 15 or more a month full of fun and a lot of people tend to think "lol RP is lame" and that's fine...You do not need to RP then. In my opinion you have no reason to be on this server but I can tolerate the presence of non-RP'ers as long as they (Much like fellow RP'ers) respect a persons 15 or more a month.

May your RP stay strong Dathdar

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