To all our Brothers and Sisters of the Sisters of Elune RP community, these words are a tribute to the lifeblood that lives inside each of us as proud RP'ers of SoE.
We’re RP'ers of SoE
We are the life that gives the server the title of “RP server”
RP is not Raid Progression, it is Role play, and it is something that we take pride in doing.
RP is a flame that burns inside each of us and it is a flame we should not allow to be put out.
We’re RP'ers of one community and we are united even with pathetic differences, we are one.
From the mystical lands of Teldrassil to the majestic Azuremyst isles.
Across the great mesa of Mulgore to the lands of new beginnings of Durotar
Across the sea to gloomy Tristfal and the lush forest of Eversong
Over the mighty mountains of Dun Morogh to the stoic lands of Elwynn Forest.
The players will not hear; SoE “We know Drama”
They will hear; SoE “We have proud RP'ers”
Griefers will grief, Haters will hate, but RP will never die as long as we’re around.
No matter our experiences, no matter our differences of opinion, no matter our differences of style, we’re RP’ers and we will never let anything get in the way of our RP!
Long live the SoE RP Community!
Tãmz Dunabar Silversword, Proud RPer of SoE.
We’re RP'ers of SoE
We are the life that gives the server the title of “RP server”
RP is not Raid Progression, it is Role play, and it is something that we take pride in doing.
RP is a flame that burns inside each of us and it is a flame we should not allow to be put out.
We’re RP'ers of one community and we are united even with pathetic differences, we are one.
From the mystical lands of Teldrassil to the majestic Azuremyst isles.
Across the great mesa of Mulgore to the lands of new beginnings of Durotar
Across the sea to gloomy Tristfal and the lush forest of Eversong
Over the mighty mountains of Dun Morogh to the stoic lands of Elwynn Forest.
The players will not hear; SoE “We know Drama”
They will hear; SoE “We have proud RP'ers”
Griefers will grief, Haters will hate, but RP will never die as long as we’re around.
No matter our experiences, no matter our differences of opinion, no matter our differences of style, we’re RP’ers and we will never let anything get in the way of our RP!
Long live the SoE RP Community!
Tãmz Dunabar Silversword, Proud RPer of SoE.
Edited by Tãmz on 9/23/2011 4:23 PM PDT