Whats next for my RP

90 Blood Elf Priest
Nevermind. Too long and i guess it really won't matter anyways. Please disregard
Edited by Allainn on 9/25/2011 8:18 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Same as above
Edited by Allainn on 9/25/2011 8:17 PM PDT
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Nevermind. Too long and i guess it really won't matter anyways. Please disregard

Actually I did read your entire post, I just never got the chance to reply. But to show respect to my fellow RPer, I will not post on the matter or anything of the sort without given permission on your part Allainn
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Allainn and I had a nice conversation over the matters she had originally posted. In respect to her I will not go into large detail, but I will say this, and this is something I think -ALL- RP'ers can agree with

The Witch Hunts and Crusades against your fellow RP'ers are over
Edited by Tãmz on 9/28/2011 9:39 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The Witch Hunts and Crusades against your fellow RP'ers are over until the next time someone sees fit to start them up again.


Think ahead, but be sure to look back. We've all danced this dance before.

As an aside, I would like to say welcome to the fight I was leading months ago. Good to see you finally joined such a worthwhile cause. I'm sure it's more convenient for you to join in now, however. :)

You'll find my megaphone and picket sign in the corner. Feel free to use them, as I've much better things to do than champion a dead cause.

And before you ask, those sacrifices are going well. ;)

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Think ahead, but be sure to look back. We've all danced this dance before.

As an aside, I would like to say welcome to the fight I was leading months ago. Good to see you finally joined such a worthwhile cause. I'm sure it's more convenient for you to join in now, however. :)

You'll find my megaphone and picket sign in the corner. Feel free to use them, as I've much better things to do than champion a dead cause.

And before you ask, those sacrifices are going well. ;)

Thanks but I have been fighting for awhile and have not for a moment thought about giving up. As for my statement of

"The Witch hunts and Crusades against your fellow RP'ers are over."

I was right the first time.

Time has played some factors but I have been doing many different small scale efforts in-game to help our community. But recently time has allowed me to start pushing for the larger scale stuff, one of which happened just yesterday.

But Bella it is indeed good to see you again. I hope to one day on one of my Horde trips to at least be able say Hello to you.

09/28/2011 12:40 PMPosted by Bellamuerte
You'll find my megaphone and picket sign in the corner. Feel free to use them, as I've much better things to do than champion a dead cause.

I will not need the megaphone or the picket sign. Just need good Communication, Organization, and ye-old-elbow grease sort of speak. Hope to see you rejoin the cause when you can, need as many RP'ers as we can get. Till then be safe and be well, Sister Bella.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Hope to see you rejoin the cause when you can, need as many RP'ers as we can get. Till then be safe and be well, Sister Bella.

I do apologize if I misstated. You see, I've never left; I simply withdrew.

Rest assured that many of those who have long since given up on what was once a thriving community destroyed slowly with empire building and apathy still watch, even if we no longer lend breath. Eventually, you figure out that the people that you give so much energy to fight against simply aren't worth the time. Now? Now we old timers simply sit, both amused and saddened as we watch the same thing play out repeatedly.

Make no mistake; Boldvalor isn't dead, nor are any of my other characters. Far from, actually. I simply refuse to become entangled in the muck and mire of petty, sophomoric empire building and Diana Ross antics of those who can't seem to untangle IC from OOC. I'm no longer a cheerleader for any moot cause or point. If someone has an issue with bullying and braying like last time when I toted a flag against it? Deal with it. I'm done with falsehoods and flagrant fabrications, you see. Now? Now I say it's simply survival of the fittest.

Energy is best spent where it is of use. When people don't care enough to do something on their very own, why should anyone else bother?

Good luck with your drum beating and rallying. I do wish all involved receive the sum of precisely what they merit.

May the burning bridges light your way.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Okay, and if you withdrew from it..Why are you posting and basically being a smarta$$ here? If you are done for a bit, back away..Stop starting the fires on the bridges and shut up. Oh wait, thats a bit too hard for some..It's like a kitten that sees something shiny outside, and keeps trying to run through a glass door. You will keep hearing a loud THUD, till, or if the kitten learns "Ohhh hay...I can't get it" and then just forget about it.

People will put effort into something they truly want to see happen. I don't know how Horde side goes, but Tamz made a very nice event on Ally side...and quite a handful of rpers, new and old showed up.

You don't like what ya see, gather people up, NO matter if you hate Bob, Sally, or George...look past yalls differences, and make things better...Not have a f'ing cat fight. If you don't want to bother with it, don't wait your time, or the time of others typing your blah blah blah I give up, blah blah waaaahhh waaaahhh stories here.

Remember....Kitten...glass door...Or heck...A brick wall would listen better then half the people who have to come here and just start stuff, for the sake of staring stuff.

Edit- *starts to sing* Kitten...glass door..Kitten...glass door...Kitten....glass door...Mew mew mew mew ~

And I rest my case. :)
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85 Human Priest
Mew mew mew mew mew~

x.x sorreh kinda hyper atm.. But yeah.. x.x Ally side is trying to get people motivated, I hope Horde tries it too.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Mew mew mew mew mew~

x.x sorreh kinda hyper atm.. But yeah.. x.x Ally side is trying to get people motivated, I hope Horde tries it too.

Telling someone to "shut up" is an excellent motivator to illicit involvement.

I commend you on the tactic and breathlessly await your next move.


PS - By the by, this thread (before it was altered by the OP) was actually regarding someone mistreating her OOCly. Was s/he, too (and I'll use your words here), "typing with [his/her] blah blah blah I give up, blah blah waaaahhh waaaahhh stories here."?

Your response? That's working against the very cause your guild master is trying to push. Just thought I'd mention that in case you may be unaware.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 9/28/2011 3:42 PM PDT
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85 Human Priest
Eeepppp I did say shutup...oi...let me fix that.
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85 Human Priest
Dere fixed x.x blargh
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90 Blood Elf Priest
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Drama over playing pretend is silly.


If you can't be lighthearted about it, don't do it.

Oh, I most certainly agree, Rijda.

Fighting over any aspect of this game - PvE and PvP included - can be quite silly.
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90 Blood Elf Priest

Fighting over any aspect of this game - PvE and PvP included - can be quite silly.

Amen to this!
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