[A] Insomnia is recruiting late nighters!

85 Draenei Hunter
Are you awake for nights on end, just wishing there was a guild that ran so late to raid with? Wish no more! Insomnia is now in need of some more raiders to fill in our 10 man raid. Sadly, with the recent school year having started, we've experienced a drop in attendance. Thankfully, that's where you come in!

Insomnia is a casual, late night guild (1 AM-3 AM server time), that has its main progression days on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We also run off-night activities when numbers permit, which include guild achievements, t11 content, and past expansion's content. Since we are casual and also happen to attract a unique part of the playerbase (people with involving jobs, families, probably a few actual insomniacs), we do not have a strict raid attendance requirement. We believe that real life comes before WoW, however we do require that should you accept a raid on the calendar you do all that you can to be there. Naturally, there are exceptions for emergencies or other extenuating circumstances.

Here at Insomnia, we stand strongly by a no-drama policy, be it in raid, among members, or even with a member of another guild. As such, we have a handful of officers fully equipped to deal with drama swiftly and in a manner favorable to any involved. In order to prevent loot drama in raids, we use the simple but effective system of Main Spec over Off Spec rolls. It is fair, near indisputable, and it also works well with PuGs.

Like I said earlier, we truly do have a unique playerbase within our guild. Many of our members are college students, people with odd work hours, or people who spend most of the day with their family. So, most of our members are adults. While age isn't a requirement to join, we do have a few requirements:
-Maturity. Be able to joke, but know when to be serious.
-Know what you're doing. Sure, we love to help out, but there's only so much we can do. We can't make you watch a boss video, for example.
-Come prepared. Gone are the days of needing to bring stacks of food, or flasks galore, but having a few of your own says a lot in case we don't have a cauldron one night.
-Don't bring drama with you. As per our no-drama policy, we're not looking for you to bring drama from another guild with you to Insomnia.
-Have a desire to have fun!! It sounds simple enough, and, well, it is! :)

In terms of specific classes/roles, we're open to anyone who can meet our raid times and fits with us. However, one full time tank (can someone say bear druid?) and one or two healers would be great. The only class that we have a whole bunch of is hunters, but really, who doesn't have a bunch of hunters? Anyway, you've read enough if you've made it down here already, so if you have any more questions feel free to find me in game on Vanden or Kanenn, speak to our guild leader Pinkerbel, or any of the senior officers, Kemosabi, Cynde, Treeage, or Burgdorferi.

Already made up your mind? Check us out at http://insomnambulus.guildlaunch.com/ and apply or speak to any Insomnia member to help expedite the process. Thanks!
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85 Human Warlock
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85 Night Elf Druid
WOW how did you do that so fast?
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