Need a Blacksmith with Emberforged boots.

85 Human Paladin
Hello, I am currently in need of a blacksmith with the plans for Emberforged Elementium Boots learned. The boots are healer (intellect/spirit/haste) plate boots, item level 378, and the recipie is a drop from Firelands trash. I will provide all mats for these boots, including the living embers, except for the orbs, which I will pay for (price can be negotiated). If you have the recipie, but not the orbs, I will run dungeons with you until you get the orbs. I really just need someone with the recipie. I will also tip. Feel free to send me a message in game, or reply to this thread. I am often posting in trade, looking for a blacksmith. I will be bumping this thread for a bit, hoping to find somebody with this recipie. So if you or somebody you know has this recipie either as an item, or has learned it, please contact me.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Im looking for the same thing on horde side. Have all the mats but the orbs. Send me a tell in game or an ingame mail with the cost of the orbs and we'll work something out.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I have the pattern and orbs.
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85 Human Paladin
Dang... Now I only need someone on alliance that has it!
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