[H] RoS LF melee dps/tank

85 Orc Death Knight
We are looking for a melee dps OR tank for one of our FL ten man teams. We are currently working on a handful of heroic modes and clear each week. Our raid days/times are ALWAYS Wednesday and Sunday evening, 7-10pm server time.

What we require from any of our raiders:
- Please have a stable computer and connection.
- As a guild we use "Mumble" for all our voice communication needs. You must be able to download the program and at least listen for direction.
- A good attitude. You must play well with others and be able to take constructive criticism. We will also be doing a good deal of wiping/learning so come prepared for that.
- Because we are working on heroic modes which have strong dps checks, any melee applicant will be expected to pull 20k+ dps on any "stand and bang" variety of fight.
- Tank applicants should at least have their T11 gear and a smattering of vendor T12 gear. I'm not going to quote an ilevel at you, and some amount of gear can be fixed, but a tank's survivability is highly tied into what they are wearing. Please keep that in mind when considering whether or not to apply.

Yes, it's a tall order, especially on this server, but the rewards will be worth it, and the position is immediately available. Contact myself in game if you have any questions (please ask any guildies online if you do not see my name, I may be playing an alt) or apply at www.riddleofsteelsoe.guildlaunch.com.

Thank you in advance.
Edited by Atrophy on 10/16/2011 7:40 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Technically we clear every week provided that no one gets hit by a car or is forced to evacuate due to hurricanes.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
*shakes angry fist* Curse you Irene!
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85 Orc Rogue
Hmmm, ive got a DK and Warrior. Can also make those raid times..hmm
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
10/16/2011 08:40 PMPosted by Sellys
Technically we clear every week provided that no one gets hit by a car or is forced to evacuate due to hurricanes.

Emergency evacuations are a crutch.
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85 Tauren Druid
if ever you guys need a raid healer or ranged dps (can pull about 22k as offspec on baleroc) yell at me. Won't join Riddle, but I am willing to help. Killed Rag the Tuesday of nerf after 3 attempts, and we're making it to last phase before then, people just liked to run other people over with meteors.
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85 Orc Death Knight
I appreciate the offer of help, guys, but we are really looking for someone to join our ranks and become a permanent fixture in the guild.

That being said...LE BUMP!
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85 Orc Death Knight

Still looking...come on folks. I know you're out there!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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