I'm Looking for some Friends on this server.

87 Blood Elf Hunter
Hi, I'm new to Sisters of Elune. I'm looking to make some friends on this server and maybe form a small casual , fun, and friendly guild here. Anyone that might like to be my friend here or would like to help me in forming this little guild just leave me the name of your character.

A little about me:
I have 2 level 85's this hunter and my pally but they are on Earthen Ring.
I've played wow for almost 7 yrs.
I'm a friendly player
I like to get achievements and pets ^.^

I do have a family so I am not on wow 24/7. Computers are something that I like to talk about. Also I am a big time gamer. With all of this said if I do form this guild it would be laid back because I am not able to be on all the time. But we would get things done and I would love to build a core raiding group on this server once my character is leveled up. I do not know what class I'm going to go with as of now but I have some ideas. Reply back here if you have some questions and so we can start build a group of friends to work toward raiding and leveling. Thank you. O and since today is Halloween I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween.

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LF friend willing to stand in front of me and take damage while I kill stuff, pst. >.>
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