Not enough of it I think this server has turned into ZOMBIES who only stay in sw and org we need to bring world pvp on this server back I remember questing in stv and getting owned by max levels which in term made me either call for guild help or get on my max level and the pvp fun began ... Let's bring that fun back stop being zombies and world pvp some !
world pvp
oh come on 2 nights ago me, hot, and dezzy we came to the front gates to fight. but ya i agree im even comming to you guys plz help this guy out! kill me!
I go outside org and try and bring the horde out as well :c sometimes I stay for an hour and no one comes outside to play with me, even when I'm alone!
PvP can be anywhere!
Don't need to just be on a PvP server for PvP!
I stay perma flagged in hopes of encouraging world PvP far it's working!
I love it when random people attack me while mining :D
I also use to play on Kel'Thuzad, was fun, then I got dragged here...
Don't need to just be on a PvP server for PvP!
I stay perma flagged in hopes of encouraging world PvP far it's working!
I love it when random people attack me while mining :D
I also use to play on Kel'Thuzad, was fun, then I got dragged here...
Edited by Aquä on 11/20/2011 7:46 PM PST
I remember back in BC when two people fighting over Halaa would erupt into full on wars.
I've helped schedule Gurubashi wars between the two factions before. Perhaps we could make another one?
I've helped schedule Gurubashi wars between the two factions before. Perhaps we could make another one?
I love world PvP. Problem is with Cata, other than Tol'Barad, there's not really a world PvP hub. I used to do For the Horde runs all the time. I just don't have that kind of time anymore.
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