<Bust mine to kick yours> is now recruiting 1500+ players for RBGs and premade bgs. 8 out of our 12 players are 2k+ and play many different classes so they can and will be willing to help you with questions you have about dueling, BGs, arena, or just PVP in general. We may also be able to accpet 1k players as long as you have full PVP gear ( does not have to be Ruthless). We do not have a Vent server because the majority of us prefer to use skype. I will ask the players if they are willing to put there skype name in the notes so you guys might be able to talk some time and stuff.
<Bust mine to kick yours>
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Posts containing personal information about other players. This includes physical addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and inappropriate photos and/or videos.
Harassing or discriminatory language. This will not be tolerated.