[A] RP'ers Wanted (Yes, that means you).

85 Human Warrior
G'day folks. Crazy Gottfried here and I'm in search for a few good men/women who're more than willing to lend a hand for a couple of RP events I'm trying to organize.

I know there's alot of hidden RP'ers out there, who're too shy to expose/introduce/blend themselves in due to alot of things they have in their WoW schedule but then again we all want some quality public random RP, yes? (Or interactions).

I have a few characters, each with their own storylines. And I'm in need of hands. Not to help me in my character's personal quests but more into organizing Alliance side events which has correlation with these characters of mine.

Here's the hinch however. I won't promise epic legacies, slaying internet dragons, recovering legendary treasures of the Titans, or anything like that.

I can however, ensure RP. Lots of it. If these events work with high interest, yes there will be RP and then our dwindling community can slowly start rebuilding again.

For this, I, Gottfried ask you all to put aside all your differences for now wether people might be hating each other or having clashes with each other. I ask us to lets cool down, and let's put our brains together for creating brand new events, organizations, gatherings, heck maybe even new guilds dedicated to RP-ing a storyline.

-opens welcoming arms- Brothers and Sisters of SoE. Together, with our might we can restore this shattered server to it's former glory. I want to do it, and I want YOUR help.


Now that I'm done with the opening speech, allow me to present my ideas and feel free to pick whichever y'all feel like assisting in.

Note these are all future, possible ongoing events. I put my character's name next to an event idea as they're what I'll be using to have the event go along:

Brother Rayleigh Di Monte - Church of the Unhinged Holy Light

Rayleigh is my priest character, inspired by American Southern Gospel Priests. These include references on popular subcultures of New Orleans Dixieland Jazz, and the Cajun accent. While outside it seemed like a serious church, it's actually more of a comedical approach on Holy Light churches instead of your standard morning mass. This event is designed purely for chuckles and laughter.

Lord Byrond Worthington - Alliance Trades & Commerce Inc.

An organization idea for the money-minded and business ventures. Byrond is inspired by 19th Century English Lord and nobilities with a knack for trading. So the idea would revolve around a semi-secretive group who from the outside looked like a bunch of harmless trade merchants but deep inside, the organization desires to control the Alliance Economy.

To represent this, a racial leader representing each major cities are to be the organization "leaders" plotting and scheming behind the backs of everyday folks while slowly working their way into the society but... will do any means necessary for Economical Domination.


Grandmaster Shen Wei-Bian - Shen'ih Na'an Pai Tang Lang (Shen's Southern Style Praying Mantis School)

This is a future event that just came into my head when they announced the MoP trailer. As a Chinese IRL, I feel more confident leading this event. My father is a practitioner of the exact same martial art mentioned above, and since the expansion has ALOT of Chinese influences I felt that it could blend in.

A Pandaren Grandmaster who mixes the traditional Pandaren kungfu with Praying Mantis movements (Observed from the Mantid people, a new insectoid race that'll be introduced in MoP), and when due to circumstances joining the Alliance? Wham. He decided to build a school. Guy's gotta make a living, see?

The event I had in mind will be based on him overseeing students he teach in the Alliance races (All classes welcome to attend), and he watches them over 'till they become powerful fighters in their own right.



And those are just major RP ideas for events/organizations I'm thinking.

Now who wants to RP? -smirks-

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85 Blood Elf Priest
This actually fairly tempts me into making an Alliance toon, as I do not have any to join in on any of this. I'm certainly up for taking part in events such as this one, if you'll have me.
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85 Human Warrior
@ Yunn: Everyone are welcome. I do not discriminate Horde/Alliance (Allthough dem RP be at Alliance side >_>), but yes. I could use all the help I can get. Keep your eyes in this thread for more information~
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Gooooooooooooot it.
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85 Human Priest
Good to see that you are bringing Rayray out to play Gott. I will say this for the character of Rayleigh, prepare to laugh.
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85 Human Warrior
While I'm here promoting, I could also of course always use the input/changes y'guys are able to present to improve things.

C'mere for the inputs, everyone. o.o
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85 Human Warrior
Dang more RP'ers. Where the zog have y'all been hiding from? o.O

Also, I could use more input on which event do all of the folks here prefer. I know there's like 20+ views here but where're all the people?! Speak up yo.
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85 Human Warrior
Bump for more inputs, ideas, comments, and input.

Yes, I said input twice.
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85 Human Warrior
WTB RP'ers.
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Me thinks a certain down on his luck always getting himself in trouble Dwarf Paladin might need to look in to this church.
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85 Human Warrior
The church eh? Guess that makes it one person in favor of the "Unhinged Church" now.

Anymore other takes on what kind of event people'd love?
Edited by Gottfried on 12/6/2011 2:53 AM PST
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