<DeadMoon> We're currently looking for a few good members, casual fun leveling guild, family friendly looking for mature ppl. We are also building our 85's for end game progression. We want to get this guild leveled and need your help.

* You can be any level to join our guild
* You can be a casual player or someone that just likes casual guilds
* You can socialize in our guild chat
* You can even be a new player

We don't get on to you for having a life we understand that. I have a child and a sick mother that I take care of myself so I understand if you're not able to make it to a raid or you can't play for a while. We like to have fun and keep this a game and not a job.

Contact us
* We are on Sisters of Elune server
* We are on the Horde side.
* You can request to join our guild
* You can send an in-game mail to Zedka
* You can type /who and then type in DeadMoon to pull up current playing members when your on and ask about joining.

If you would like to know more about us we do have a guild website you're free to check it out there is a lot of helpful things there as well to help you threw wow. We hope to see you soon :)
* http://deadmoon.yolasite.com/